module Arel class Join < Relation attr_reader :join_sql, :relation1, :relation2, :predicates delegate :engine, :to => :relation1 hash_on :relation1 def initialize(join_sql, relation1, relation2 =, *predicates) @join_sql, @relation1, @relation2, @predicates = join_sql, relation1, relation2, predicates end def ==(other) self.class == other.class and predicates == other.predicates and ( (relation1 == other.relation1 and relation2 == other.relation2) or (relation2 == other.relation1 and relation1 == other.relation2) ) end def attributes (externalize(relation1).attributes + externalize(relation2).attributes).collect { |a| a.bind(self) } end def prefix_for(attribute) if relation1[attribute] && !relation2[attribute] externalize(relation1).prefix_for(attribute) elsif relation2[attribute] && !relation1[attribute] externalize(relation2).prefix_for(attribute) else if (attribute % relation1[attribute]).size < (attribute % relation2[attribute]).size externalize(relation1).prefix_for(attribute) else externalize(relation2).prefix_for(attribute) end end end def joins this_join = [ join_sql, externalize(relation2).table_sql, ("ON" unless predicates.blank?), predicates.collect { |p| p.bind(self).to_sql }.join(' AND ') ].compact.join(" ") [relation1.joins, relation2.joins, this_join].compact.join(" ") end def selects externalize(relation1).selects + externalize(relation2).selects end def table_sql externalize(relation1).table_sql end private def externalize(relation) end Externalizer = do delegate :engine, :to => :relation def table_sql case when relation.aggregation? relation.to_sql( when relation.alias? relation.table_sql + ' AS ' + engine.quote_table_name(relation.alias.to_s) else relation.table_sql end end def selects relation.aggregation?? [] : relation.selects end def attributes relation.aggregation?? relation.attributes.collect(&:to_attribute) : relation.attributes end def prefix_for(attribute) if relation[attribute] relation.alias?? relation.alias : relation.prefix_for(attribute) end end end end end