module Arel class Compound include Relation attr_reader :relation delegate :joins, :join?, :inserts, :taken, :skipped, :name, :externalizable?, :column_for, :engine, :sources, :locked, :table_alias, :to => :relation def self.requires(feature = nil) @requires ||= nil @requires = feature if feature @requires end [:wheres, :groupings, :orders, :havings, :projections].each do |operation_name| class_eval <<-OPERATION, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{operation_name} @#{operation_name} ||= relation.#{operation_name}.collect { |o| o.bind(self) } end OPERATION end def attributes @attributes ||= relation.attributes.bind(self) end def hash @hash ||= :relation.hash end def eql?(other) self == other end def engine requires = self.class.requires engine = relation.engine # Temporary check of whether or not the engine supports where. if requires && engine.respond_to?(:supports) && !engine.supports(requires) else engine end end private def arguments_from_block(relation, &block) block_given?? [yield(relation)] : [] end end end