module Arel module Predicates class Predicate def or(other_predicate), other_predicate) end def and(other_predicate), other_predicate) end end class Binary < Predicate attributes :operand1, :operand2 deriving :initialize def ==(other) self.class === other and @operand1 == other.operand1 and @operand2 == other.operand2 end def bind(relation), operand2.find_correlate_in(relation)) end end class Equality < Binary def ==(other) Equality === other and ((operand1 == other.operand1 and operand2 == other.operand2) or (operand1 == other.operand2 and operand2 == other.operand1)) end end class Not < Equality; end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < Binary; end class GreaterThan < Binary; end class LessThanOrEqualTo < Binary; end class LessThan < Binary; end class Match < Binary; end class NotMatch < Binary; end class In < Binary; end class NotIn < Binary; end end end