require "rails/engine" module ActiveText class Engine < Rails::Engine isolate_namespace ActiveText config.eager_load_namespaces << ActiveText initializer "active_text.attribute" do ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do include ActiveText::Attribute end end initializer "active_text.active_storage_extension" do require "active_storage/blob" class ActiveStorage::Blob include ActiveText::Attachable def previewable_attachable? representable? end end end initializer "active_text.helper" do ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller_base) do helper ActiveText::TagHelper end end initializer "active_text.config" do config.after_initialize do |app| ActiveText.renderer ||= ApplicationController.renderer # FIXME: ApplicationController should have a per-request specific renderer # that's been set with the request.env env, and ActiveText should just piggyback off # that by default rather than doing this work directly. ApplicationController.before_action do ActiveText.renderer = end end end end end