require "active_support/rescuable" require "action_mailbox/callbacks" require "action_mailbox/routing" class ActionMailbox::Base include ActiveSupport::Rescuable include ActionMailbox::Callbacks, ActionMailbox::Routing attr_reader :inbound_email delegate :mail, :bounced!, to: :inbound_email delegate :logger, to: ActionMailbox def self.receive(inbound_email) new(inbound_email).perform_processing end def initialize(inbound_email) @inbound_email = inbound_email end def perform_processing run_callbacks :process do track_status_of_inbound_email do process end end rescue => exception # TODO: Include a reference to the inbound_email in the exception raised so error handling becomes easier rescue_with_handler(exception) || raise end def process # Overwrite in subclasses end def bounce_with(message) inbound_email.bounced! message.deliver_later end private def track_status_of_inbound_email inbound_email.processing! yield inbound_email.delivered! unless inbound_email.bounced? rescue => exception inbound_email.failed! raise end end