Ruby on Rails 4.1 Release Notes =============================== Highlights in Rails 4.1: * Variants * Spring * Action View extracted from Action Pack These release notes cover only the major changes. To know about various bug fixes and changes, please refer to the change logs or check out the [list of commits]( in the main Rails repository on GitHub. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrading to Rails 4.1 ---------------------- If you're upgrading an existing application, it's a great idea to have good test coverage before going in. You should also first upgrade to Rails 4.0 in case you haven't and make sure your application still runs as expected before attempting an update to Rails 4.1. A list of things to watch out for when upgrading is available in the [Upgrading to Rails](upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html#upgrading-from-rails-4-0-to-rails-4-1) guide. Major Features -------------- ### Variants We often want to render different html/json/xml templates for phones, tablets, and desktop browsers. Variants makes it easy. The request variant is a specialization of the request format, like `:tablet`, `:phone`, or `:desktop`. You can set the variant in a before_action: ```ruby request.variant = :tablet if request.user_agent =~ /iPad/ ``` Respond to variants in the action just like you respond to formats: ```ruby respond_to do |format| format.html do |html| html.tablet # renders app/views/projects/show.html+tablet.erb { extra_setup; render ... } end end ``` Provide separate templates for each format and variant: ``` app/views/projects/show.html.erb app/views/projects/show.html+tablet.erb app/views/projects/show.html+phone.erb ``` ### Spring New Rails 4.1 applications will ship with "springified" binstubs. This means that `bin/rails` and `bin/rake` will automatically take advantage preloaded spring environments. **running rake tasks:** ``` bin/rake routes ``` **running tests:** ``` bin/rake test bin/rake test test/models bin/rake test test/models/user_test.rb ``` **running a console:** ``` bin/rails console ``` **spring introspection:** ``` $ bundle exec spring status Spring is running: 1182 spring server | my_app | started 29 mins ago 3656 spring app | my_app | started 23 secs ago | test mode 3746 spring app | my_app | started 10 secs ago | development mode ``` Have a look at the [Spring README]( to see a all available features. ### Active Record enums Declare an enum attribute where the values map to integers in the database, but can be queried by name. ```ruby class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base enum status: [ :active, :archived ] end conversation.archive! # => false conversation.status # => "archived" Conversation.archived # => Relation for all archived Conversations ``` See [active_record/enum.rb]( for a detailed write up. Documentation ------------- Railties -------- Please refer to the [Changelog]( for detailed changes. ### Removals * Removed `update:application_controller` rake task. * Removed deprecated `Rails.application.railties.engines`. * Removed deprecated `threadsafe!` from Rails Config. * Removed deprecated `ActiveRecord::Generators::ActiveModel#update_attributes` in favor of `ActiveRecord::Generators::ActiveModel#update` * Removed deprecated `config.whiny_nils` option * Removed deprecated rake tasks for running tests: `rake test:uncommitted` and `rake test:recent`. ### Notable changes * The [Spring application preloader]( is now installed by default for new applications. It uses the development group of the Gemfile, so will not be installed in production. ([Pull Request]( * `BACKTRACE` environment variable to show unfiltered backtraces for test failures. ([Commit]( * Exposed `MiddlewareStack#unshift` to environment configuration. ([Pull Request]( Action Mailer ------------- Please refer to the [Changelog]( for detailed changes. ### Notable changes * Instrument the generation of Action Mailer messages. The time it takes to generate a message is written to the log. ([Pull Request]( Active Model ------------ Please refer to the [Changelog]( for detailed changes. ### Deprecations * Deprecate `Validator#setup`. This should be done manually now in the validator's constructor. ([Commit]( ### Notable changes * Added new API methods `reset_changes` and `changes_applied` to `ActiveModel::Dirty` that control changes state. Active Support -------------- Please refer to the [Changelog]( for detailed changes. ### Removals * Removed `MultiJSON` dependency. As a result, `ActiveSupport::JSON.decode` no longer accepts an options hash for `MultiJSON`. ([Pull Request]( / [More Details](upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html#changes-in-json-handling)) * Removed support for the `encode_json` hook used for encoding custom objects into JSON. This feature has been extracted into the [activesupport-json_encoder]( gem. ([Related Pull Request]( / [More Details](upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html#changes-in-json-handling)) * Removed deprecated `ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable` with no replacement. * Removed deprecated `String#encoding_aware?` core extensions (`core_ext/string/encoding`). * Removed deprecated `Module#local_constant_names` in favor of `Module#local_constants`. * Removed deprecated `DateTime.local_offset` in favor of `DateTime.civil_from_fromat`. * Removed deprecated `Logger` core extensions (`core_ext/logger.rb`). * Removed deprecated `Time#time_with_datetime_fallback`, `Time#utc_time` and `Time#local_time` in favor of `Time#utc` and `Time#local`. * Removed deprecated `Hash#diff` with no replacement. * Removed deprecated `Date#to_time_in_current_zone` in favor of `Date#in_time_zone`. * Removed deprecated `Proc#bind` with no replacement. * Removed deprecated `Array#uniq_by` and `Array#uniq_by!`, use native `Array#uniq` and `Array#uniq!` instead. * Removed deprecated `ActiveSupport::BasicObject`, use `ActiveSupport::ProxyObject` instead. * Removed deprecated `BufferedLogger`, use `ActiveSupport::Logger` instead. * Removed deprecated `assert_present` and `assert_blank` methods, use `assert object.blank?` and `assert object.present?` instead. ### Deprecations * Deprecated `Numeric#{ago,until,since,from_now}`, the user is expected to explicitly convert the value into an AS::Duration, i.e. `5.ago` => `5.seconds.ago` ([Pull Request]( * Deprecated the require path `active_support/core_ext/object/to_json`. Require `active_support/core_ext/object/json` instead. ([Pull Request]( * Deprecated `ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding::CircularReferenceError`. This feature has been extracted into the [activesupport-json_encoder]( gem. ([Pull Request]( / [More Details](upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html#changes-in-json-handling)) * Deprecated `ActiveSupport.encode_big_decimal_as_string` option. This feature has been extracetd into the [activesupport-json_encoder]( gem. ([Pull Request]( / [More Details](upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html#changes-in-json-handling)) ### Notable changes * `ActiveSupport`'s JSON encoder has been rewritten to take advantage of the JSON gem rather than doing custom encoding in pure-Ruby. ([Pull Request]( / [More Details](upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html#changes-in-json-handling)) * Improved compatibility with the JSON gem. ([Pull Request]( / [More Details](upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html#changes-in-json-handling)) * Added `ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers#travel` and `#travel_to`. These methods change current time to the given time or time difference by stubbing `` and ``. ([Pull Request]( * Added `Numeric#in_milliseconds`, like `1.hour.in_milliseconds`, so we can feed them to JavaScript functions like `getTime()`. ([Commit]( * Added `Date#middle_of_day`, `DateTime#middle_of_day` and `Time#middle_of_day` methods. Also added `midday`, `noon`, `at_midday`, `at_noon` and `at_middle_of_day` as aliases. ([Pull Request]( * Added `String#remove(pattern)` as a short-hand for the common pattern of `String#gsub(pattern,'')`. ([Commit]( * Removed 'cow' => 'kine' irregular inflection from default inflections. ([Commit]( Action Pack ----------- Please refer to the [Changelog]( for detailed changes. ### Removals * Removed deprecated Rails application fallback for integration testing, set `ActionDispatch.test_app` instead. * Removed deprecated `page_cache_extension` config. * Removed deprecated constants from Action Controller: ActionController::AbstractRequest => ActionDispatch::Request ActionController::Request => ActionDispatch::Request ActionController::AbstractResponse => ActionDispatch::Response ActionController::Response => ActionDispatch::Response ActionController::Routing => ActionDispatch::Routing ActionController::Integration => ActionDispatch::Integration ActionController::IntegrationTest => ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest ### Notable changes * `#url_for` takes a hash with options inside an array. ([Pull Request]( * Added `session#fetch` method fetch behaves similarly to [Hash#fetch](, with the exception that the returned value is always saved into the session. ([Pull Request]( * Separated Action View completely from Action Pack. ([Pull Request]( Active Record ------------- Please refer to the [Changelog]( for detailed changes. ### Removals * Removed deprecated nil-passing to the following `SchemaCache` methods: `primary_keys`, `tables`, `columns` and `columns_hash`. * Removed deprecated block filter from `ActiveRecord::Migrator#migrate`. * Removed deprecated String constructor from `ActiveRecord::Migrator`. * Removed deprecated `scope` use without passing a callable object. * Removed deprecated `transaction_joinable=` in favor of `begin_transaction` with `d:joinable` option. * Removed deprecated `decrement_open_transactions`. * Removed deprecated `increment_open_transactions`. * Removed deprecated `PostgreSQLAdapter#outside_transaction?` methodd. You can use `#transaction_open?` instead. * Removed deprecated `ActiveRecord::Fixtures.find_table_name` in favor of `ActiveRecord::Fixtures.default_fixture_model_name`. * Removed deprecated `columns_for_remove` from `SchemaStatements`. * Removed deprecated `SchemaStatements#distinct`. * Moved deprecated `ActiveRecord::TestCase` into the Rails test suite. The class is no longer public and is only used for internal Rails tests. * Removed support for deprecated option `:restrict` for `:dependent` in associations. * Removed support for deprecated `:delete_sql`, `:insert_sql`, `:finder_sql` and `:counter_sql` options in associations. * Removed deprecated method `type_cast_code` from Column. * Removed deprecated `ActiveRecord::Base#connection` method. Make sure to access it via the class. * Removed deprecation warning for `auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds`. * Removed deprecated `:distinct` option from `Relation#count`. * Removed deprecated methods `partial_updates`, `partial_updates?` and `partial_updates=`. * Removed deprecated method `scoped` * Removed deprecated method `default_scopes?` * Remove implicit join references that were deprecated in 4.0. * Removed `activerecord-deprecated_finders` as a dependency * Removed usage of `implicit_readonly`. Please use `readonly` method explicitly to mark records as `readonly`. ([Pull Request]( ### Deprecations * Deprecated `quoted_locking_column` method, which isn't used anywhere. * Deprecated the delegation of Array bang methods for associations. To use them, instead first call `#to_a` on the association to access the array to be acted on. ([Pull Request]( * Deprecated `ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements#distinct`, as it is no longer used by internals. ([Pull Request]( ### Notable changes * Added `ActiveRecord::Base.to_param` for convenient "pretty" URLs derived from a model's attribute or method. ([Pull Request]( * Added `ActiveRecord::Base.no_touching`, which allows ignoring touch on models. ([Pull Request]( * Unify boolean type casting for `MysqlAdapter` and `Mysql2Adapter`. `type_cast` will return `1` for `true` and `0` for `false`. ([Pull Request]( * `.unscope` now removes conditions specified in `default_scope`. ([Commit]( * Added `ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#rewhere` which will overwrite an existing, named where condition. ([Commit]( * Extended `ActiveRecord::Base#cache_key` to take an optional list of timestamp attributes of which the highest will be used. ([Commit]( * Added `ActiveRecord::Base#enum` for declaring enum attributes where the values map to integers in the database, but can be queried by name. ([Commit]( * Type cast json values on write, so that the value is consistent with reading from the database. ([Pull Request]( * Type cast hstore values on write, so that the value is consistent with reading from the database. ([Commit]( * Make `next_migration_number` accessible for third party generators. ([Pull Request]( * Calling `update_attributes` will now throw an `ArgumentError` whenever it gets a `nil` argument. More specifically, it will throw an error if the argument that it gets passed does not respond to to `stringify_keys`. ([Pull Request]( * `CollectionAssociation#first`/`#last` (e.g. `has_many`) use a `LIMIT`ed query to fetch results rather than loading the entire collection. ([Pull Request]( * `inspect` on Active Record model classes does not initiate a new connection. This means that calling `inspect`, when the database is missing, will no longer raise an exception. ([Pull Request]( * Removed column restrictions for `count`, let the database raise if the SQL is invalid. ([Pull Request]( * Rails now automatically detects inverse associations. If you do not set the `:inverse_of` option on the association, then Active Record will guess the inverse association based on heuristics. ([Pull Request]( * Handle aliased attributes in ActiveRecord::Relation. When using symbol keys, ActiveRecord will now translate aliased attribute names to the actual column name used in the database. ([Pull Request]( * The ERB in fixture files is no longer evaluated in the context of the main object. Helper methods used by multiple fixtures should be defined on modules included in `ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.context_class`. ([Pull Request]( Credits ------- See the [full list of contributors to Rails]( for the many people who spent many hours making Rails, the stable and robust framework it is. Kudos to all of them.