# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This script generates the guides. It can be invoked via the # guides:generate rake task within the guides directory. # # Guides are taken from the source directory, and the resulting HTML goes into the # output directory. Assets are stored under files, and copied to output/files as # part of the generation process. # # Some arguments may be passed via environment variables: # # WARNINGS # If you are writing a guide, please work always with WARNINGS=1. Users can # generate the guides, and thus this flag is off by default. # # Internal links (anchors) are checked. If a reference is broken levenshtein # distance is used to suggest an existing one. This is useful since IDs are # generated by Textile from headers and thus edits alter them. # # Also detects duplicated IDs. They happen if there are headers with the same # text. Please do resolve them, if any, so guides are valid XHTML. # # ALL # Set to "1" to force the generation of all guides. # # ONLY # Use ONLY if you want to generate only one or a set of guides. Prefixes are # enough: # # # generates only association_basics.html # ONLY=assoc ruby rails_guides.rb # # Separate many using commas: # # # generates only association_basics.html and migrations.html # ONLY=assoc,migrations ruby rails_guides.rb # # Note that if you are working on a guide generation will by default process # only that one, so ONLY is rarely used nowadays. # # GUIDES_LANGUAGE # Use GUIDES_LANGUAGE when you want to generate translated guides in # source/ folder (such as source/es). # Ignore it when generating English guides. # # EDGE # Set to "1" to indicate generated guides should be marked as edge. This # inserts a badge and changes the preamble of the home page. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- require 'set' require 'fileutils' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'action_controller' require 'action_view' require 'rails_guides/indexer' require 'rails_guides/helpers' require 'rails_guides/levenshtein' module RailsGuides class Generator attr_reader :guides_dir, :source_dir, :output_dir, :edge, :warnings, :all GUIDES_RE = /\.(?:textile|erb|md|markdown)$/ def initialize(output=nil) set_flags_from_environment if kindle? check_for_kindlegen register_kindle_mime_types end initialize_dirs(output) create_output_dir_if_needed end def set_flags_from_environment @edge = ENV['EDGE'] == '1' @warnings = ENV['WARNINGS'] == '1' @all = ENV['ALL'] == '1' @kindle = ENV['KINDLE'] == '1' @version = ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] || `git rev-parse --short HEAD`.chomp @lang = ENV['GUIDES_LANGUAGE'] end def register_kindle_mime_types Mime::Type.register_alias("application/xml", :opf, %w(opf)) Mime::Type.register_alias("application/xml", :ncx, %w(ncx)) end def generate generate_guides copy_assets generate_mobi if kindle? end private def kindle? @kindle end def check_for_kindlegen if `which kindlegen`.blank? raise "Can't create a kindle version without `kindlegen`." end end def generate_mobi opf = "#{output_dir}/rails_guides.opf" out = "#{output_dir}/kindlegen.out" system "kindlegen #{opf} -o #{mobi} > #{out} 2>&1" puts "Guides compiled as Kindle book to #{mobi}" puts "(kindlegen log at #{out})." end def mobi "ruby_on_rails_guides_#@version%s.mobi" % (@lang.present? ? ".#@lang" : '') end def initialize_dirs(output) @guides_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') @source_dir = "#@guides_dir/source/#@lang" @output_dir = if output output elsif kindle? "#@guides_dir/output/kindle/#@lang" else "#@guides_dir/output/#@lang" end.sub(%r, '') end def create_output_dir_if_needed FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_dir) end def generate_guides guides_to_generate.each do |guide| output_file = output_file_for(guide) generate_guide(guide, output_file) if generate?(guide, output_file) end end def guides_to_generate guides = Dir.entries(source_dir).grep(GUIDES_RE) if kindle? Dir.entries("#{source_dir}/kindle").grep(GUIDES_RE).map do |entry| next if entry == 'KINDLE.md' guides << "kindle/#{entry}" end end ENV.key?('ONLY') ? select_only(guides) : guides end def select_only(guides) prefixes = ENV['ONLY'].split(",").map(&:strip) guides.select do |guide| prefixes.any? { |p| guide.start_with?(p) || guide.start_with?("kindle") } end end def copy_assets FileUtils.cp_r(Dir.glob("#{guides_dir}/assets/*"), output_dir) end def output_file_for(guide) if guide =~ /\.(textile|markdown|md)$/ guide.sub(/\.(textile|markdown|md)$/, '.html') else guide.sub(/\.erb$/, '') end end def output_path_for(output_file) File.join(output_dir, File.basename(output_file)) end def generate?(source_file, output_file) fin = File.join(source_dir, source_file) fout = output_path_for(output_file) all || !File.exists?(fout) || File.mtime(fout) < File.mtime(fin) end def generate_guide(guide, output_file) output_path = output_path_for(output_file) puts "Generating #{guide} as #{output_file}" layout = kindle? ? 'kindle/layout' : 'layout' File.open(output_path, 'w') do |f| view = ActionView::Base.new(source_dir, :edge => @edge, :version => @version, :mobi => "kindle/#{mobi}") view.extend(Helpers) if guide =~ /\.(\w+)\.erb$/ # Generate the special pages like the home. # Passing a template handler in the template name is deprecated. So pass the file name without the extension. result = view.render(:layout => layout, :formats => [$1], :file => $`) elsif guide =~ /\.(md|markdown)$/ body = File.read(File.join(source_dir, guide)) result = RailsGuides::Markdown.new(view, layout).render(body) warn_about_broken_links(result) if @warnings else body = File.read(File.join(source_dir, guide)) body = set_header_section(body, view) body = set_index(body, view) result = view.render(:layout => layout, :text => textile(body)) warn_about_broken_links(result) if @warnings end f.write(result) end end def set_header_section(body, view) new_body = body.gsub(/(.*?)endprologue\./m, '').strip header = $1 header =~ /h2\.(.*)/ page_title = "Ruby on Rails Guides: #{$1.strip}" header = textile(header) view.content_for(:page_title) { page_title.html_safe } view.content_for(:header_section) { header.html_safe } new_body end def set_index(body, view) index = <<-INDEX


    INDEX i = Indexer.new(body, warnings) i.index # Set index for 2 levels i.level_hash.each do |key, value| link = view.content_tag(:a, :href => key[:id]) { textile(key[:title], true).html_safe } children = value.keys.map do |k| view.content_tag(:li, view.content_tag(:a, :href => k[:id]) { textile(k[:title], true).html_safe }) end children_ul = children.empty? ? "" : view.content_tag(:ul, children.join(" ").html_safe) index << view.content_tag(:li, link.html_safe + children_ul.html_safe) end index << '
' index << '
' view.content_for(:index_section) { index.html_safe } i.result end def textile(body, lite_mode=false) t = RedCloth.new(body) t.hard_breaks = false t.lite_mode = lite_mode t.to_html(:notestuff, :plusplus, :code) end def warn_about_broken_links(html) anchors = extract_anchors(html) check_fragment_identifiers(html, anchors) end def extract_anchors(html) # Textile generates headers with IDs computed from titles. anchors = Set.new html.scan(/ Levenshtein.distance(fragment_identifier, b) } puts "*** BROKEN LINK: ##{fragment_identifier}, perhaps you meant ##{guess}." end end end end end