# Horo RDoc template # Author: Hongli Lai - http://izumi.plan99.net/blog/ # # Based on the Jamis template: # http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2005/4/8/rdoc-template if defined?(RDoc::Diagram) RDoc::Diagram.class_eval do remove_const(:FONT) const_set(:FONT, "\"Bitstream Vera Sans\"") end end module RDoc module Page FONTS = "\"Bitstream Vera Sans\", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" STYLE = < pre { padding: 0.5em; border: 1px dotted black; background: #FFE; } dt { font-weight: bold } dd { margin-bottom: 0.7em; } CSS XHTML_PREAMBLE = %{ } XHTML_FRAMESET_PREAMBLE = %{ } HEADER = XHTML_PREAMBLE + < %title% ENDHEADER FILE_PAGE = <
Path: %full_path% IF:cvsurl  (CVS) ENDIF:cvsurl
Modified: %dtm_modified%

HTML ################################################################### CLASS_PAGE = < %classmod%
%full_name% IF:parent ENDIF:parent
In: START:infiles HREF:full_path_url:full_path: IF:cvsurl  (CVS) ENDIF:cvsurl END:infiles
Parent: IF:par_url ENDIF:par_url %parent% IF:par_url ENDIF:par_url
HTML ################################################################### METHOD_LIST = < IF:diagram
ENDIF:diagram IF:description
ENDIF:description IF:requires
Required Files
ENDIF:requires IF:toc
ENDIF:toc IF:methods
ENDIF:methods IF:includes
Included Modules
ENDIF:includes START:sections IF:sectitle IF:seccomment
ENDIF:seccomment ENDIF:sectitle IF:classlist
Classes and Modules
%classlist% ENDIF:classlist IF:constants
START:constants IF:desc ENDIF:desc END:constants
%name% = %value%
ENDIF:constants IF:attributes
START:attributes END:attributes
IF:rw [%rw%] ENDIF:rw %name% %a_desc%
ENDIF:attributes IF:method_list START:method_list IF:methods
%type% %category% methods
IF:callseq %callseq% ENDIF:callseq IFNOT:callseq %name%%params% ENDIF:callseq IF:codeurl [ source ] ENDIF:codeurl
ENDIF:m_desc IF:aka
This method is also aliased as START:aka %name% END:aka
ENDIF:aka IF:sourcecode
END:methods ENDIF:methods END:method_list ENDIF:method_list END:sections HTML FOOTER = < ENDFOOTER BODY = HEADER + <
#{FOOTER} ENDBODY ########################## Source code ########################## SRC_PAGE = XHTML_PREAMBLE + < %title%
HTML ########################## Index ################################ FR_INDEX_BODY = < Index
START:entries %name%
HTML CLASS_INDEX = FILE_INDEX METHOD_INDEX = FILE_INDEX INDEX = XHTML_FRAMESET_PREAMBLE + < %title% <body bgcolor="white"> Click <a href="html/index.html">here</a> for a non-frames version of this page. </body> HTML end end