# Encapsulates a string representing a filename to provide convenience access to parts of it and a sanitized version. # This is what's returned by `ActiveStorage::Blob#filename`. A Filename instance is comparable so it can be used for sorting. class ActiveStorage::Filename include Comparable def initialize(filename) @filename = filename end # Filename.new("racecar.jpg").extname # => ".jpg" def extname File.extname(@filename) end # Filename.new("racecar.jpg").extension # => "jpg" def extension extname.from(1) end # Filename.new("racecar.jpg").base # => "racecar" def base File.basename(@filename, extname) end # Filename.new("foo:bar.jpg").sanitized # => "foo-bar.jpg" # Filename.new("foo/bar.jpg").sanitized # => "foo-bar.jpg" # # ...and any other character unsafe for URLs or storage is converted or stripped. def sanitized @filename.encode(Encoding::UTF_8, invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "�").strip.tr("\u{202E}%$|:;/\t\r\n\\", "-") end # Returns the sanitized version of the filename. def to_s sanitized.to_s end def <=>(other) to_s.downcase <=> other.to_s.downcase end end