require 'abstract_unit' require 'active_support/xml_mini' require 'active_support/builder' module XmlMiniTest class RenameKeyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_rename_key_dasherizes_by_default assert_equal "my-key", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("my_key") end def test_rename_key_does_nothing_with_dasherize_true assert_equal "my-key", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("my_key", :dasherize => true) end def test_rename_key_does_nothing_with_dasherize_false assert_equal "my_key", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("my_key", :dasherize => false) end def test_rename_key_camelizes_with_camelize_true assert_equal "MyKey", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("my_key", :camelize => true) end def test_rename_key_lower_camelizes_with_camelize_lower assert_equal "myKey", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("my_key", :camelize => :lower) end def test_rename_key_lower_camelizes_with_camelize_upper assert_equal "MyKey", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("my_key", :camelize => :upper) end def test_rename_key_does_not_dasherize_leading_underscores assert_equal "_id", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("_id") end def test_rename_key_with_leading_underscore_dasherizes_interior_underscores assert_equal "_my-key", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("_my_key") end def test_rename_key_does_not_dasherize_trailing_underscores assert_equal "id_", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("id_") end def test_rename_key_with_trailing_underscore_dasherizes_interior_underscores assert_equal "my-key_", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("my_key_") end def test_rename_key_does_not_dasherize_multiple_leading_underscores assert_equal "__id", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("__id") end def test_rename_key_does_not_dasherize_multiple_trailing_underscores assert_equal "id__", ActiveSupport::XmlMini.rename_key("id__") end end class ToTagTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def assert_xml(xml) assert_equal xml, @options[:builder].target! end def setup @xml = ActiveSupport::XmlMini @options = {:skip_instruct => true, :builder =>} end test "#to_tag accepts a callable object and passes options with the builder" do @xml.to_tag(:some_tag, lambda {|o| o[:builder].br }, @options) assert_xml "<br/>" end test "#to_tag accepts a callable object and passes options and tag name" do @xml.to_tag(:tag, lambda {|o, t| o[:builder].b(t) }, @options) assert_xml "<b>tag</b>" end test "#to_tag accepts an object responding to #to_xml and passes the options, where :root is key" do obj = obj.instance_eval do def to_xml(options) options[:builder].yo(options[:root].to_s) end end @xml.to_tag(:tag, obj, @options) assert_xml "<yo>tag</yo>" end test "#to_tag accepts arbitrary objects responding to #to_str" do @xml.to_tag(:b, "Howdy", @options) assert_xml "<b>Howdy</b>" end test "#to_tag should dasherize the space when passed a string with spaces as a key" do @xml.to_tag("New York", 33, @options) assert_xml "<New---York type=\"integer\">33</New---York>" end test "#to_tag should dasherize the space when passed a symbol with spaces as a key" do @xml.to_tag(:"New York", 33, @options) assert_xml "<New---York type=\"integer\">33</New---York>" end # TODO: test the remaining functions hidden in #to_tag. end class WithBackendTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase module REXML end module LibXML end module Nokogiri end setup do @xml, @default_backend = ActiveSupport::XmlMini, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend end teardown do ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = @default_backend end test "#with_backend should switch backend and then switch back" do @xml.backend = REXML @xml.with_backend(LibXML) do assert_equal LibXML, @xml.backend @xml.with_backend(Nokogiri) do assert_equal Nokogiri, @xml.backend end assert_equal LibXML, @xml.backend end assert_equal REXML, @xml.backend end test "backend switch inside #with_backend block" do @xml.with_backend(LibXML) do @xml.backend = REXML assert_equal REXML, @xml.backend end assert_equal REXML, @xml.backend end end class ThreadSafetyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase module REXML end module LibXML end setup do @xml, @default_backend = ActiveSupport::XmlMini, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend end teardown do ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = @default_backend end test "#with_backend should be thread-safe" do @xml.backend = REXML t = do @xml.with_backend(LibXML) { sleep 1 } end sleep 0.1 while t.status != "sleep" # We should get `old_backend` here even while another # thread is using `new_backend`. assert_equal REXML, @xml.backend end test "nested #with_backend should be thread-safe" do @xml.with_backend(REXML) do t = do @xml.with_backend(LibXML) { sleep 1 } end sleep 0.1 while t.status != "sleep" assert_equal REXML, @xml.backend end end end end