# frozen_string_literal: true require "abstract_unit" require "active_support/testing/method_call_assertions" class MethodCallAssertionsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::MethodCallAssertions class Level def increment; 1; end def decrement; end def <<(arg); end end setup do @object = Level.new end def test_assert_called_with_defaults_to_expect_once assert_called @object, :increment do @object.increment end end def test_assert_called_more_than_once assert_called(@object, :increment, times: 2) do @object.increment @object.increment end end def test_assert_called_method_with_arguments assert_called(@object, :<<) do @object << 2 end end def test_assert_called_returns assert_called(@object, :increment, returns: 10) do assert_equal 10, @object.increment end end def test_assert_called_failure error = assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do assert_called(@object, :increment) do # Call nothing... end end assert_equal "Expected increment to be called 1 times, but was called 0 times.\nExpected: 1\n Actual: 0", error.message end def test_assert_called_with_message error = assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do assert_called(@object, :increment, "dang it") do # Call nothing... end end assert_match(/dang it.\nExpected increment/, error.message) end def test_assert_called_with assert_called_with(@object, :increment) do @object.increment end end def test_assert_called_with_arguments assert_called_with(@object, :<<, [ 2 ]) do @object << 2 end end def test_assert_called_with_failure assert_raises(MockExpectationError) do assert_called_with(@object, :<<, [ 4567 ]) do @object << 2 end end end def test_assert_called_with_returns assert_called_with(@object, :increment, returns: 1) do @object.increment end end def test_assert_called_with_multiple_expected_arguments assert_called_with(@object, :<<, [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ] ]) do @object << 1 @object << 2 end end def test_assert_not_called assert_not_called(@object, :decrement) do @object.increment end end def test_assert_not_called_failure error = assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do assert_not_called(@object, :increment) do @object.increment end end assert_equal "Expected increment to be called 0 times, but was called 1 times.\nExpected: 0\n Actual: 1", error.message end def test_stub_any_instance stub_any_instance(Level) do |instance| assert_equal instance, Level.new end end def test_stub_any_instance_with_instance stub_any_instance(Level, instance: @object) do |instance| assert_equal @object, instance assert_equal instance, Level.new end end end