# encoding: utf-8 require 'abstract_unit' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'active_support/json' class TestJSONEncoding < ActiveSupport::TestCase class Foo def initialize(a, b) @a, @b = a, b end end class Hashlike def to_hash { :a => 1 } end end class Custom def as_json(options) 'custom' end end class CustomWithOptions attr_accessor :foo, :bar def as_json(options={}) options[:only] = %w(foo bar) super(options) end end TrueTests = [[ true, %(true) ]] FalseTests = [[ false, %(false) ]] NilTests = [[ nil, %(null) ]] NumericTests = [[ 1, %(1) ], [ 2.5, %(2.5) ], [ 0.0/0.0, %(null) ], [ 1.0/0.0, %(null) ], [ -1.0/0.0, %(null) ], [ BigDecimal('0.0')/BigDecimal('0.0'), %(null) ], [ BigDecimal('2.5'), %("#{BigDecimal('2.5').to_s}") ]] StringTests = [[ 'this is the ', %("this is the \\u003Cstring\\u003E")], [ 'a "string" with quotes & an ampersand', %("a \\"string\\" with quotes \\u0026 an ampersand") ], [ 'http://test.host/posts/1', %("http://test.host/posts/1")], [ "Control characters: \x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f", %("Control characters: \\u0000\\u0001\\u0002\\u0003\\u0004\\u0005\\u0006\\u0007\\b\\t\\n\\u000B\\f\\r\\u000E\\u000F\\u0010\\u0011\\u0012\\u0013\\u0014\\u0015\\u0016\\u0017\\u0018\\u0019\\u001A\\u001B\\u001C\\u001D\\u001E\\u001F") ]] ArrayTests = [[ ['a', 'b', 'c'], %([\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]) ], [ [1, 'a', :b, nil, false], %([1,\"a\",\"b\",null,false]) ]] RangeTests = [[ 1..2, %("1..2")], [ 1...2, %("1...2")], [ 1.5..2.5, %("1.5..2.5")]] SymbolTests = [[ :a, %("a") ], [ :this, %("this") ], [ :"a b", %("a b") ]] ObjectTests = [[ Foo.new(1, 2), %({\"a\":1,\"b\":2}) ]] HashlikeTests = [[ Hashlike.new, %({\"a\":1}) ]] CustomTests = [[ Custom.new, '"custom"' ]] RegexpTests = [[ /^a/, '"(?-mix:^a)"' ], [/^\w{1,2}[a-z]+/ix, '"(?ix-m:^\\\\w{1,2}[a-z]+)"']] DateTests = [[ Date.new(2005,2,1), %("2005/02/01") ]] TimeTests = [[ Time.utc(2005,2,1,15,15,10), %("2005/02/01 15:15:10 +0000") ]] DateTimeTests = [[ DateTime.civil(2005,2,1,15,15,10), %("2005/02/01 15:15:10 +0000") ]] StandardDateTests = [[ Date.new(2005,2,1), %("2005-02-01") ]] StandardTimeTests = [[ Time.utc(2005,2,1,15,15,10), %("2005-02-01T15:15:10Z") ]] StandardDateTimeTests = [[ DateTime.civil(2005,2,1,15,15,10), %("2005-02-01T15:15:10+00:00") ]] StandardStringTests = [[ 'this is the ', %("this is the ")]] def sorted_json(json) return json unless json =~ /^\{.*\}$/ '{' + json[1..-2].split(',').sort.join(',') + '}' end constants.grep(/Tests$/).each do |class_tests| define_method("test_#{class_tests[0..-6].underscore}") do begin ActiveSupport.escape_html_entities_in_json = class_tests !~ /^Standard/ ActiveSupport.use_standard_json_time_format = class_tests =~ /^Standard/ self.class.const_get(class_tests).each do |pair| assert_equal pair.last, sorted_json(ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(pair.first)) end ensure ActiveSupport.escape_html_entities_in_json = false ActiveSupport.use_standard_json_time_format = false end end end def test_json_variable assert_deprecated do assert_equal ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable.new('foo'), 'foo' assert_equal ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable.new('alert("foo")'), 'alert("foo")' end end def test_hash_encoding assert_equal %({\"a\":\"b\"}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(:a => :b) assert_equal %({\"a\":1}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode('a' => 1) assert_equal %({\"a\":[1,2]}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode('a' => [1,2]) assert_equal %({"1":2}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(1 => 2) assert_equal %({\"a\":\"b\",\"c\":\"d\"}), sorted_json(ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(:a => :b, :c => :d)) end def test_utf8_string_encoded_properly result = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode('€2.99') assert_equal '"€2.99"', result assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, result.encoding) result = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode('✎☺') assert_equal '"✎☺"', result assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, result.encoding) end def test_non_utf8_string_transcodes s = '二'.encode('Shift_JIS') result = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(s) assert_equal '"二"', result assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, result.encoding end def test_wide_utf8_chars w = '𠜎' result = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(w) assert_equal '"𠜎"', result end def test_wide_utf8_roundtrip hash = { string: "𐒑" } json = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(hash) decoded_hash = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json) assert_equal "𐒑", decoded_hash['string'] end def test_exception_raised_when_encoding_circular_reference_in_array a = [1] a << a assert_raise(ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding::CircularReferenceError) { ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(a) } end def test_exception_raised_when_encoding_circular_reference_in_hash a = { :name => 'foo' } a[:next] = a assert_raise(ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding::CircularReferenceError) { ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(a) } end def test_exception_raised_when_encoding_circular_reference_in_hash_inside_array a = { :name => 'foo', :sub => [] } a[:sub] << a assert_raise(ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding::CircularReferenceError) { ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(a) } end def test_hash_key_identifiers_are_always_quoted values = {0 => 0, 1 => 1, :_ => :_, "$" => "$", "a" => "a", :A => :A, :A0 => :A0, "A0B" => "A0B"} assert_equal %w( "$" "A" "A0" "A0B" "_" "a" "0" "1" ).sort, object_keys(ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(values)) end def test_hash_should_allow_key_filtering_with_only assert_equal %({"a":1}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode({'a' => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}, :only => 'a') end def test_hash_should_allow_key_filtering_with_except assert_equal %({"b":2}), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode({'foo' => 'bar', :b => 2, :c => 3}, :except => ['foo', :c]) end def test_time_to_json_includes_local_offset ActiveSupport.use_standard_json_time_format = true with_env_tz 'US/Eastern' do assert_equal %("2005-02-01T15:15:10-05:00"), ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(Time.local(2005,2,1,15,15,10)) end ensure ActiveSupport.use_standard_json_time_format = false end def test_hash_with_time_to_json assert_equal '{"time":"2009/01/01 00:00:00 +0000"}', { :time => Time.utc(2009) }.to_json end def test_nested_hash_with_float assert_nothing_raised do hash = { "CHI" => { :dislay_name => "chicago", :latitude => 123.234 } } ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(hash) end end def test_hash_should_pass_encoding_options_to_children_in_as_json person = { :name => 'John', :address => { :city => 'London', :country => 'UK' } } json = person.as_json :only => [:address, :city] assert_equal({ 'address' => { 'city' => 'London' }}, json) end def test_hash_should_pass_encoding_options_to_children_in_to_json person = { :name => 'John', :address => { :city => 'London', :country => 'UK' } } json = person.to_json :only => [:address, :city] assert_equal(%({"address":{"city":"London"}}), json) end def test_array_should_pass_encoding_options_to_children_in_as_json people = [ { :name => 'John', :address => { :city => 'London', :country => 'UK' }}, { :name => 'Jean', :address => { :city => 'Paris' , :country => 'France' }} ] json = people.as_json :only => [:address, :city] expected = [ { 'address' => { 'city' => 'London' }}, { 'address' => { 'city' => 'Paris' }} ] assert_equal(expected, json) end def test_array_should_pass_encoding_options_to_children_in_to_json people = [ { :name => 'John', :address => { :city => 'London', :country => 'UK' }}, { :name => 'Jean', :address => { :city => 'Paris' , :country => 'France' }} ] json = people.to_json :only => [:address, :city] assert_equal(%([{"address":{"city":"London"}},{"address":{"city":"Paris"}}]), json) end def test_enumerable_should_pass_encoding_options_to_children_in_as_json people = [ { :name => 'John', :address => { :city => 'London', :country => 'UK' }}, { :name => 'Jean', :address => { :city => 'Paris' , :country => 'France' }} ] json = people.each.as_json :only => [:address, :city] expected = [ { 'address' => { 'city' => 'London' }}, { 'address' => { 'city' => 'Paris' }} ] assert_equal(expected, json) end def test_enumerable_should_pass_encoding_options_to_children_in_to_json people = [ { :name => 'John', :address => { :city => 'London', :country => 'UK' }}, { :name => 'Jean', :address => { :city => 'Paris' , :country => 'France' }} ] json = people.each.to_json :only => [:address, :city] assert_equal(%([{"address":{"city":"London"}},{"address":{"city":"Paris"}}]), json) end def test_to_json_should_not_keep_options_around f = CustomWithOptions.new f.foo = "hello" f.bar = "world" hash = {"foo" => f, "other_hash" => {"foo" => "other_foo", "test" => "other_test"}} assert_equal(%({"foo":{"foo":"hello","bar":"world"},"other_hash":{"foo":"other_foo","test":"other_test"}}), hash.to_json) end def test_struct_encoding Struct.new('UserNameAndEmail', :name, :email) Struct.new('UserNameAndDate', :name, :date) Struct.new('Custom', :name, :sub) user_email = Struct::UserNameAndEmail.new 'David', 'sample@example.com' user_birthday = Struct::UserNameAndDate.new 'David', Date.new(2010, 01, 01) custom = Struct::Custom.new 'David', user_birthday json_strings = "" json_string_and_date = "" json_custom = "" assert_nothing_raised do json_strings = user_email.to_json json_string_and_date = user_birthday.to_json json_custom = custom.to_json end assert_equal({"name" => "David", "sub" => { "name" => "David", "date" => "2010/01/01" }}, JSON.parse(json_custom)) assert_equal({"name" => "David", "email" => "sample@example.com"}, JSON.parse(json_strings)) assert_equal({"name" => "David", "date" => "2010/01/01"}, JSON.parse(json_string_and_date)) end def test_opt_out_big_decimal_string_serialization big_decimal = BigDecimal('2.5') begin ActiveSupport.encode_big_decimal_as_string = false assert_equal big_decimal.to_s, big_decimal.to_json ensure ActiveSupport.encode_big_decimal_as_string = true end end def test_nil_true_and_false_represented_as_themselves assert_equal nil, nil.as_json assert_equal true, true.as_json assert_equal false, false.as_json end protected def object_keys(json_object) json_object[1..-2].scan(/([^{}:,\s]+):/).flatten.sort end def with_env_tz(new_tz = 'US/Eastern') old_tz, ENV['TZ'] = ENV['TZ'], new_tz yield ensure old_tz ? ENV['TZ'] = old_tz : ENV.delete('TZ') end end