# encoding: utf-8 module InflectorTestCases SingularToPlural = { "search" => "searches", "switch" => "switches", "fix" => "fixes", "box" => "boxes", "process" => "processes", "address" => "addresses", "case" => "cases", "stack" => "stacks", "wish" => "wishes", "fish" => "fish", "category" => "categories", "query" => "queries", "ability" => "abilities", "agency" => "agencies", "movie" => "movies", "archive" => "archives", "index" => "indices", "wife" => "wives", "safe" => "saves", "half" => "halves", "move" => "moves", "salesperson" => "salespeople", "person" => "people", "spokesman" => "spokesmen", "man" => "men", "woman" => "women", "basis" => "bases", "diagnosis" => "diagnoses", "diagnosis_a" => "diagnosis_as", "datum" => "data", "medium" => "media", "analysis" => "analyses", "node_child" => "node_children", "child" => "children", "experience" => "experiences", "day" => "days", "comment" => "comments", "foobar" => "foobars", "newsletter" => "newsletters", "old_news" => "old_news", "news" => "news", "series" => "series", "species" => "species", "quiz" => "quizzes", "perspective" => "perspectives", "ox" => "oxen", "photo" => "photos", "buffalo" => "buffaloes", "tomato" => "tomatoes", "dwarf" => "dwarves", "elf" => "elves", "information" => "information", "equipment" => "equipment", "bus" => "buses", "status" => "statuses", "status_code" => "status_codes", "mouse" => "mice", "louse" => "lice", "house" => "houses", "octopus" => "octopi", "virus" => "viri", "alias" => "aliases", "portfolio" => "portfolios", "vertex" => "vertices", "matrix" => "matrices", "matrix_fu" => "matrix_fus", "axis" => "axes", "testis" => "testes", "crisis" => "crises", "rice" => "rice", "shoe" => "shoes", "horse" => "horses", "prize" => "prizes", "edge" => "edges", "cow" => "kine", "database" => "databases" } CamelToUnderscore = { "Product" => "product", "SpecialGuest" => "special_guest", "ApplicationController" => "application_controller", "Area51Controller" => "area51_controller" } UnderscoreToLowerCamel = { "product" => "product", "special_guest" => "specialGuest", "application_controller" => "applicationController", "area51_controller" => "area51Controller" } SymbolToLowerCamel = { :product => 'product', :special_guest => 'specialGuest', :application_controller => 'applicationController', :area51_controller => 'area51Controller' } CamelToUnderscoreWithoutReverse = { "HTMLTidy" => "html_tidy", "HTMLTidyGenerator" => "html_tidy_generator", "FreeBSD" => "free_bsd", "HTML" => "html", } CamelWithModuleToUnderscoreWithSlash = { "Admin::Product" => "admin/product", "Users::Commission::Department" => "users/commission/department", "UsersSection::CommissionDepartment" => "users_section/commission_department", } ClassNameToForeignKeyWithUnderscore = { "Person" => "person_id", "MyApplication::Billing::Account" => "account_id" } ClassNameToForeignKeyWithoutUnderscore = { "Person" => "personid", "MyApplication::Billing::Account" => "accountid" } ClassNameToTableName = { "PrimarySpokesman" => "primary_spokesmen", "NodeChild" => "node_children" } StringToParameterized = { "Donald E. Knuth" => "donald-e-knuth", "Random text with *(bad)* characters" => "random-text-with-bad-characters", "Allow_Under_Scores" => "allow_under_scores", "Trailing bad characters!@#" => "trailing-bad-characters", "!@#Leading bad characters" => "leading-bad-characters", "Squeeze separators" => "squeeze-separators", "Test with + sign" => "test-with-sign" } StringToParameterizeWithNoSeparator = { "Donald E. Knuth" => "donaldeknuth", "Random text with *(bad)* characters" => "randomtextwithbadcharacters", "Trailing bad characters!@#" => "trailingbadcharacters", "!@#Leading bad characters" => "leadingbadcharacters", "Squeeze separators" => "squeezeseparators", "Test with + sign" => "testwithsign" } StringToParameterizeWithUnderscore = { "Donald E. Knuth" => "donald_e_knuth", "Random text with *(bad)* characters" => "random_text_with_bad_characters", "Trailing bad characters!@#" => "trailing_bad_characters", "!@#Leading bad characters" => "leading_bad_characters", "Squeeze separators" => "squeeze_separators", "Test with + sign" => "test_with_sign" } # Ruby 1.9 doesn't do Unicode normalization yet. if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' StringToParameterizedAndNormalized = { "Malmö" => "malm", "Garçons" => "gar-ons" } else StringToParameterizedAndNormalized = { "Malmö" => "malmo", "Garçons" => "garcons" } end UnderscoreToHuman = { "employee_salary" => "Employee salary", "employee_id" => "Employee", "underground" => "Underground" } MixtureToTitleCase = { 'active_record' => 'Active Record', 'ActiveRecord' => 'Active Record', 'action web service' => 'Action Web Service', 'Action Web Service' => 'Action Web Service', 'Action web service' => 'Action Web Service', 'actionwebservice' => 'Actionwebservice', 'Actionwebservice' => 'Actionwebservice', "david's code" => "David's Code", "David's code" => "David's Code", "david's Code" => "David's Code" } OrdinalNumbers = { "0" => "0th", "1" => "1st", "2" => "2nd", "3" => "3rd", "4" => "4th", "5" => "5th", "6" => "6th", "7" => "7th", "8" => "8th", "9" => "9th", "10" => "10th", "11" => "11th", "12" => "12th", "13" => "13th", "14" => "14th", "20" => "20th", "21" => "21st", "22" => "22nd", "23" => "23rd", "24" => "24th", "100" => "100th", "101" => "101st", "102" => "102nd", "103" => "103rd", "104" => "104th", "110" => "110th", "111" => "111th", "112" => "112th", "113" => "113th", "1000" => "1000th", "1001" => "1001st" } UnderscoresToDashes = { "street" => "street", "street_address" => "street-address", "person_street_address" => "person-street-address" } Irregularities = { 'person' => 'people', 'man' => 'men', 'child' => 'children', 'sex' => 'sexes', 'move' => 'moves', } end