require 'abstract_unit' class Deprecatee def initialize @request =, :request) @_request = 'there we go' end def request; @_request end def old_request; @request end def partially(foo = nil) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('calling with foo=nil is out', caller) if foo.nil? end def not() 2 end def none() 1 end def one(a) a end def multi(a,b,c) [a,b,c] end deprecate :none, :one, :multi def a; end def b; end def c; end def d; end def e; end deprecate :a, :b, :c => :e, :d => "you now need to do something extra for this one" module B C = 1 end A ='Deprecatee::A', 'Deprecatee::B::C') end class DeprecationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup # Track the last warning. @old_behavior = ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior @last_message = nil ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = { |message| @last_message = message } @dtc = end def teardown ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = @old_behavior end def test_inline_deprecation_warning assert_deprecated(/foo=nil/) do @dtc.partially end end def test_undeprecated assert_not_deprecated do assert_equal 2, @dtc.not end end def test_deprecate_class_method assert_deprecated(/none is deprecated.*test_deprecate_class_method at/) do assert_equal 1, @dtc.none end assert_deprecated(/one is deprecated/) do assert_equal 1, end assert_deprecated(/multi is deprecated/) do assert_equal [1,2,3], @dtc.multi(1,2,3) end end def test_nil_behavior_is_ignored ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = nil assert_deprecated(/foo=nil/) { @dtc.partially } end def test_deprecated_instance_variable_proxy assert_not_deprecated { @dtc.request.size } assert_deprecated('@request.size') { assert_equal @dtc.request.size, @dtc.old_request.size } assert_deprecated('@request.to_s') { assert_equal @dtc.request.to_s, @dtc.old_request.to_s } end def test_deprecated_instance_variable_proxy_shouldnt_warn_on_inspect assert_not_deprecated { assert_equal @dtc.request.inspect, @dtc.old_request.inspect } end def test_deprecated_constant_proxy assert_not_deprecated { Deprecatee::B::C } assert_deprecated('Deprecatee::A') { assert_equal Deprecatee::B::C, Deprecatee::A } end def test_assert_deprecation_without_match assert_deprecated do @dtc.partially end end def test_assert_deprecated_matches_any_warning assert_deprecated 'abc' do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'abc' ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'def' end rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError flunk 'assert_deprecated should match any warning in block, not just the last one' end def test_assert_not_deprecated_returns_result_of_block assert_equal 123, assert_not_deprecated { 123 } end def test_assert_deprecated_returns_result_of_block result = assert_deprecated('abc') do ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'abc' 123 end assert_equal 123, result end def test_silence ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do assert_not_deprecated { @dtc.partially } end ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silenced = true assert_not_deprecated { @dtc.partially } ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silenced = false end def test_deprecation_without_explanation assert_deprecated { @dtc.a } assert_deprecated { @dtc.b } end def test_deprecation_with_alternate_method assert_deprecated(/use e instead/) { @dtc.c } end def test_deprecation_with_explicit_message assert_deprecated(/you now need to do something extra for this one/) { @dtc.d } end def test_assertion_failed_error_doesnt_spout_deprecation_warnings error_class = do def message ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'warning in error message' super end end raise'hmm') rescue => e error ='testing ur doodz', e) assert_not_deprecated { error.message } assert_nil @last_message end end