require 'abstract_unit' require 'active_support/inflector' require 'active_support/time' require 'active_support/json' require 'time_zone_test_helpers' class DurationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include TimeZoneTestHelpers def test_is_a d = assert d.is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration) assert_kind_of ActiveSupport::Duration, d assert_kind_of Numeric, d assert_kind_of Fixnum, d assert !d.is_a?(Hash) k = class << k; undef_method :== end assert !d.is_a?(k) end def test_instance_of assert 1.minute.instance_of?(Fixnum) assert 2.days.instance_of?(ActiveSupport::Duration) assert !3.second.instance_of?(Numeric) end def test_threequals assert ActiveSupport::Duration === assert !(ActiveSupport::Duration === assert !(ActiveSupport::Duration === 'foo') end def test_equals assert == assert == assert == assert !( == 'foo') end def test_to_s assert_equal "1", 1.second.to_s end def test_eql rubinius_skip "Rubinius' #eql? definition relies on #instance_of? " \ "which behaves oddly for the sake of backward-compatibility." assert 1.minute.eql?(1.minute) assert 1.minute.eql?(60.seconds) assert 2.days.eql?(48.hours) assert !1.second.eql?(1) assert !1.eql?(1.second) assert 1.minute.eql?(180.seconds - 2.minutes) assert !1.minute.eql?(60) assert !1.minute.eql?('foo') end def test_inspect assert_equal '0 seconds', 0.seconds.inspect assert_equal '1 month', 1.month.inspect assert_equal '1 month and 1 day', (1.month + assert_equal '6 months and -2 days', (6.months - 2.days).inspect assert_equal '10 seconds', 10.seconds.inspect assert_equal '10 years, 2 months, and 1 day', (10.years + 2.months + assert_equal '10 years, 2 months, and 1 day', (10.years + 1.month + + 1.month).inspect assert_equal '10 years, 2 months, and 1 day', ( + 10.years + 2.months).inspect assert_equal '7 days', 7.days.inspect assert_equal '1 week', 1.week.inspect assert_equal '2 weeks', 1.fortnight.inspect end def test_inspect_locale current_locale = I18n.default_locale I18n.default_locale = :de I18n.backend.store_translations(:de, { support: { array: { last_word_connector: ' und ' } } }) assert_equal '10 years, 1 month und 1 day', (10.years + 1.month + ensure I18n.default_locale = current_locale end def test_minus_with_duration_does_not_break_subtraction_of_date_from_date assert_nothing_raised { - } end def test_plus_with_time assert_equal 1 + 1.second, 1.second + 1, "Duration + Numeric should == Numeric + Duration" end def test_argument_error e = assert_raise ArgumentError do 1.second.ago('') end assert_equal 'expected a time or date, got ""', e.message, "ensure ArgumentError is not being raised by dependencies.rb" end def test_fractional_weeks assert_equal((86400 * 7) * 1.5, 1.5.weeks) assert_equal((86400 * 7) * 1.7, 1.7.weeks) end def test_fractional_days assert_equal 86400 * 1.5, 1.5.days assert_equal 86400 * 1.7, 1.7.days end def test_since_and_ago t = Time.local(2000) assert_equal t + 1, 1.second.since(t) assert_equal t - 1, 1.second.ago(t) end def test_since_and_ago_without_argument now = assert 1.second.since >= now + 1 now = assert 1.second.ago >= now - 1 end def test_since_and_ago_with_fractional_days t = Time.local(2000) # since assert_equal 36.hours.since(t), 1.5.days.since(t) assert_in_delta((24 * 1.7).hours.since(t), 1.7.days.since(t), 1) # ago assert_equal 36.hours.ago(t), 1.5.days.ago(t) assert_in_delta((24 * 1.7).hours.ago(t), 1.7.days.ago(t), 1) end def test_since_and_ago_with_fractional_weeks t = Time.local(2000) # since assert_equal((7 * 36).hours.since(t), 1.5.weeks.since(t)) assert_in_delta((7 * 24 * 1.7).hours.since(t), 1.7.weeks.since(t), 1) # ago assert_equal((7 * 36).hours.ago(t), 1.5.weeks.ago(t)) assert_in_delta((7 * 24 * 1.7).hours.ago(t), 1.7.weeks.ago(t), 1) end def test_since_and_ago_anchored_to_time_now_when_time_zone_is_not_set = nil with_env_tz 'US/Eastern' do Time.stub(:now, Time.local(2000)) do # since assert_not_instance_of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, 5.seconds.since assert_equal Time.local(2000,1,1,0,0,5), 5.seconds.since # ago assert_not_instance_of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, 5.seconds.ago assert_equal Time.local(1999,12,31,23,59,55), 5.seconds.ago end end end def test_since_and_ago_anchored_to_time_zone_now_when_time_zone_is_set = ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Eastern Time (US & Canada)'] with_env_tz 'US/Eastern' do Time.stub(:now, Time.local(2000)) do # since assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, 5.seconds.since assert_equal Time.utc(2000,1,1,0,0,5), 5.seconds.since.time assert_equal 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)', # ago assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, 5.seconds.ago assert_equal Time.utc(1999,12,31,23,59,55), 5.seconds.ago.time assert_equal 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)', end end ensure = nil end def test_adding_hours_across_dst_boundary with_env_tz 'CET' do assert_equal Time.local(2009,3,29,0,0,0) + 24.hours, Time.local(2009,3,30,1,0,0) end end def test_adding_day_across_dst_boundary with_env_tz 'CET' do assert_equal Time.local(2009,3,29,0,0,0) +, Time.local(2009,3,30,0,0,0) end end def test_delegation_with_block_works counter = 0 assert_nothing_raised do 1.minute.times {counter += 1} end assert_equal counter, 60 end def test_as_json assert_equal 172800, 2.days.as_json end def test_to_json assert_equal '172800', 2.days.to_json end def test_case_when cased = case when then "ok" end assert_equal cased, "ok" end def test_respond_to assert_respond_to, :since assert_respond_to, :zero? end def test_hash assert_equal 1.minute.hash, 60.seconds.hash end def test_comparable assert_equal(-1, (0.seconds <=> 1.second)) assert_equal(-1, (1.second <=> 1.minute)) assert_equal(-1, (1 <=> 1.minute)) assert_equal(0, (0.seconds <=> 0.seconds)) assert_equal(0, (0.seconds <=> 0.minutes)) assert_equal(0, (1.second <=> 1.second)) assert_equal(1, (1.second <=> 0.second)) assert_equal(1, (1.minute <=> 1.second)) assert_equal(1, (61 <=> 1.minute)) end # ISO8601 string examples are taken from ISO8601 gem at # published under the conditions of MIT license at # # Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arnau Siches # # MIT License # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. def test_iso8601_parsing_wrong_patterns_with_raise invalid_patterns = ['', 'P', 'PT', 'P1YT', 'T', 'PW', 'P1Y1W', '~P1Y', '.P1Y', 'P1.5Y0.5M', 'P1.5Y1M', 'P1.5MT10.5S'] invalid_patterns.each do |pattern| assert_raise ActiveSupport::Duration::ISO8601Parser::ParsingError, pattern.inspect do ActiveSupport::Duration.parse(pattern) end end end def test_iso8601_output expectations = [ ['P1Y', 1.year ], ['P1W', 1.week ], ['P1Y1M', 1.year + 1.month ], ['P1Y1M1D', 1.year + 1.month + ], ['-P1Y1D', -1.year - ], ['P1Y-1DT-1S', 1.year - - 1.second ], # Parts with different signs are exists in PostgreSQL interval datatype. ['PT1S', 1.second ], ['PT1.4S', (1.4).seconds ], ['P1Y1M1DT1H', 1.year + 1.month + + 1.hour], ] expectations.each do |expected_output, duration| assert_equal expected_output, duration.iso8601, expected_output.inspect end end def test_iso8601_output_precision expectations = [ [nil, 'P1Y1MT5.55S', 1.year + 1.month + (5.55).seconds ], [0, 'P1Y1MT6S', 1.year + 1.month + (5.55).seconds ], [1, 'P1Y1MT5.5S', 1.year + 1.month + (5.55).seconds ], [2, 'P1Y1MT5.55S', 1.year + 1.month + (5.55).seconds ], [3, 'P1Y1MT5.550S', 1.year + 1.month + (5.55).seconds ], [nil, 'PT1S', 1.second ], [2, 'PT1.00S', 1.second ], [nil, 'PT1.4S', (1.4).seconds ], [0, 'PT1S', (1.4).seconds ], [1, 'PT1.4S', (1.4).seconds ], [5, 'PT1.40000S', (1.4).seconds ], ] expectations.each do |precision, expected_output, duration| assert_equal expected_output, duration.iso8601(precision: precision), expected_output.inspect end end def test_iso8601_output_and_reparsing patterns = %w[ P1Y P0.5Y P0,5Y P1Y1M P1Y0.5M P1Y0,5M P1Y1M1D P1Y1M0.5D P1Y1M0,5D P1Y1M1DT1H P1Y1M1DT0.5H P1Y1M1DT0,5H P1W +P1Y -P1Y P1Y1M1DT1H1M P1Y1M1DT1H0.5M P1Y1M1DT1H0,5M P1Y1M1DT1H1M1S P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.0S P1Y1M1DT1H1M1,0S P-1Y-2M3DT-4H-5M-6S ] # That could be weird, but if we parse P1Y1M0.5D and output it to ISO 8601, we'll get P1Y1MT12.0H. # So we check that initially parsed and reparsed duration added to time will result in the same time. time = Time.current patterns.each do |pattern| duration = ActiveSupport::Duration.parse(pattern) assert_equal time+duration, time+ActiveSupport::Duration.parse(duration.iso8601), pattern.inspect end end end