require 'abstract_unit' class BacktraceCleanerFilterTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @bc = @bc.add_filter { |line| line.gsub("/my/prefix", '') } end test "backtrace should not contain prefix when it has been filtered out" do assert_equal "/my/class.rb", @bc.clean([ "/my/prefix/my/class.rb" ]).first end test "backtrace cleaner should allow removing filters" do @bc.remove_filters! assert_equal "/my/prefix/my/class.rb", @bc.clean(["/my/prefix/my/class.rb"]).first end test "backtrace should contain unaltered lines if they dont match a filter" do assert_equal "/my/other_prefix/my/class.rb", @bc.clean([ "/my/other_prefix/my/class.rb" ]).first end test "backtrace should filter all lines in a backtrace" do assert_equal \ ["/my/class.rb", "/my/module.rb"], @bc.clean([ "/my/prefix/my/class.rb", "/my/prefix/my/module.rb" ]) end end class BacktraceCleanerSilencerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @bc = @bc.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /mongrel/ } end test "backtrace should not contain lines that match the silencer" do assert_equal \ [ "/other/class.rb" ], @bc.clean([ "/mongrel/class.rb", "/other/class.rb", "/mongrel/stuff.rb" ]) end end class BacktraceCleanerFilterAndSilencerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @bc = @bc.add_filter { |line| line.gsub("/mongrel", "") } @bc.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /mongrel/ } end test "backtrace should not silence lines that has first had their silence hook filtered out" do assert_equal [ "/class.rb" ], @bc.clean([ "/mongrel/class.rb" ]) end end