# frozen_string_literal: true module ConnectionPoolBehavior def test_connection_pool emulating_latency do begin cache = ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(store, pool_size: 2, pool_timeout: 1) cache.clear threads = [] assert_raises Timeout::Error do # One of the three threads will fail in 1 second because our pool size # is only two. 3.times do threads << Thread.new do cache.read("latency") end end threads.each(&:join) end ensure threads.each(&:kill) end end end def test_no_connection_pool emulating_latency do begin cache = ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(store) cache.clear threads = [] assert_nothing_raised do # Default connection pool size is 5, assuming 10 will make sure that # the connection pool isn't used at all. 10.times do threads << Thread.new do cache.read("latency") end end threads.each(&:join) end ensure threads.each(&:kill) end end end end