require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/module_attribute_accessors' module Dependencies extend self @@loaded = [ ] mattr_accessor :loaded @@mechanism = :load mattr_accessor :mechanism def depend_on(file_name, swallow_load_errors = false) if !loaded.include?(file_name) loaded << file_name begin require_or_load(file_name) rescue LoadError raise unless swallow_load_errors end end end def associate_with(file_name) depend_on(file_name, true) end def reload old_loaded = loaded clear old_loaded.each do |file_name| begin silence_warnings { load("#{file_name}.rb") } rescue LoadError # The association didn't reside in its own file, so we assume it was required by other means end end end def clear self.loaded = [ ] end private def require_or_load(file_name) mechanism == :load ? silence_warnings { load("#{file_name}.rb") } : require(file_name) end end Object.send(:define_method, :require_dependency) { |file_name| Dependencies.depend_on(file_name) } unless Object.respond_to?(:require_dependency) Object.send(:define_method, :require_association) { |file_name| Dependencies.associate_with(file_name) } unless Object.respond_to?(:require_association) class Object class << self # Use const_missing to autoload associations so we don't have to # require_association when using single-table inheritance. unless respond_to?(:pre_dependency_const_missing) alias_method :pre_dependency_const_missing, :const_missing def const_missing(class_id) begin require_dependency(Inflector.underscore(Inflector.demodulize(class_id.to_s))) return Object.const_get(class_id) if Object.const_defined?(class_id) rescue LoadError pre_dependency_const_missing(class_id) end end end end end