raise "JRuby is required to use the JDOM backend for XmlMini" unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ require 'jruby' include Java import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder unless defined? DocumentBuilder import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory unless defined? DocumentBuilderFactory import java.io.StringReader unless defined? StringReader import org.xml.sax.InputSource unless defined? InputSource import org.xml.sax.Attributes unless defined? Attributes import org.w3c.dom.Node unless defined? Node # = XmlMini JRuby JDOM implementation module ActiveSupport module XmlMini_JDOM #:nodoc: extend self CONTENT_KEY = '__content__'.freeze NODE_TYPE_NAMES = %w{ATTRIBUTE_NODE CDATA_SECTION_NODE COMMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE ELEMENT_NODE ENTITY_NODE ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE NOTATION_NODE PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE TEXT_NODE} node_type_map = {} NODE_TYPE_NAMES.each { |type| node_type_map[Node.send(type)] = type } # Parse an XML Document string into a simple hash using Java's jdom. # string:: # XML Document string to parse def parse(string) if string.blank? {} else @dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.new_instance xml_string_reader = StringReader.new(string) xml_input_source = InputSource.new(xml_string_reader) doc = @dbf.new_document_builder.parse(xml_input_source) merge_element!({}, doc.document_element) end end private # Convert an XML element and merge into the hash # # hash:: # Hash to merge the converted element into. # element:: # XML element to merge into hash def merge_element!(hash, element) merge!(hash, element.tag_name, collapse(element)) end # Actually converts an XML document element into a data structure. # # element:: # The document element to be collapsed. def collapse(element) hash = get_attributes(element) child_nodes = element.child_nodes if child_nodes.length > 0 for i in 0...child_nodes.length child = child_nodes.item(i) merge_element!(hash, child) unless child.node_type == Node.TEXT_NODE end merge_texts!(hash, element) unless empty_content?(element) hash else merge_texts!(hash, element) end end # Merge all the texts of an element into the hash # # hash:: # Hash to add the converted emement to. # element:: # XML element whose texts are to me merged into the hash def merge_texts!(hash, element) text_children = texts(element) if text_children.join.empty? hash else # must use value to prevent double-escaping merge!(hash, CONTENT_KEY, text_children.join) end end # Adds a new key/value pair to an existing Hash. If the key to be added # already exists and the existing value associated with key is not # an Array, it will be wrapped in an Array. Then the new value is # appended to that Array. # # hash:: # Hash to add key/value pair to. # key:: # Key to be added. # value:: # Value to be associated with key. def merge!(hash, key, value) if hash.has_key?(key) if hash[key].instance_of?(Array) hash[key] << value else hash[key] = [hash[key], value] end elsif value.instance_of?(Array) hash[key] = [value] else hash[key] = value end hash end # Converts the attributes array of an XML element into a hash. # Returns an empty Hash if node has no attributes. # # element:: # XML element to extract attributes from. def get_attributes(element) attribute_hash = {} attributes = element.attributes for i in 0...attributes.length attribute_hash[attributes.item(i).name] = attributes.item(i).value end attribute_hash end # Determines if a document element has text content # # element:: # XML element to be checked. def texts(element) texts = [] child_nodes = element.child_nodes for i in 0...child_nodes.length item = child_nodes.item(i) if item.node_type == Node.TEXT_NODE texts << item.get_data end end texts end # Determines if a document element has text content # # element:: # XML element to be checked. def empty_content?(element) text = '' child_nodes = element.child_nodes for i in 0...child_nodes.length item = child_nodes.item(i) if item.node_type == Node.TEXT_NODE text << item.get_data.strip end end text.strip.length == 0 end end end