# All original code copyright 2005, 2006, 2007 Bob Cottrell, Eric Hodel, # The Robot Co-op. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the names of the authors nor the names of their contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, # OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. $TESTING = defined?($TESTING) && $TESTING require 'socket' require 'thread' require 'timeout' require 'rubygems' require 'zlib' ## # A Ruby client library for memcached. # # This is intended to provide access to basic memcached functionality. It # does not attempt to be complete implementation of the entire API, but it is # approaching a complete implementation. class MemCache ## # The version of MemCache you are using. VERSION = '' ## # Default options for the cache object. DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :namespace => nil, :readonly => false, :multithread => false, :failover => true } ## # Default memcached port. DEFAULT_PORT = 11211 ## # Default memcached server weight. DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 1 ## # The amount of time to wait for a response from a memcached server. If a # response is not completed within this time, the connection to the server # will be closed and an error will be raised. attr_accessor :request_timeout ## # The namespace for this instance attr_reader :namespace ## # The multithread setting for this instance attr_reader :multithread ## # The servers this client talks to. Play at your own peril. attr_reader :servers ## # Whether this client should failover reads and writes to another server attr_accessor :failover ## # Accepts a list of +servers+ and a list of +opts+. +servers+ may be # omitted. See +servers=+ for acceptable server list arguments. # # Valid options for +opts+ are: # # [:namespace] Prepends this value to all keys added or retrieved. # [:readonly] Raises an exception on cache writes when true. # [:multithread] Wraps cache access in a Mutex for thread safety. # # Other options are ignored. def initialize(*args) servers = [] opts = {} case args.length when 0 then # NOP when 1 then arg = args.shift case arg when Hash then opts = arg when Array then servers = arg when String then servers = [arg] else raise ArgumentError, 'first argument must be Array, Hash or String' end when 2 then servers, opts = args else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.length} for 2)" end opts = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge opts @namespace = opts[:namespace] @readonly = opts[:readonly] @multithread = opts[:multithread] @failover = opts[:failover] @mutex = Mutex.new if @multithread @buckets = [] self.servers = servers end ## # Returns a string representation of the cache object. def inspect "" % [@servers.length, @buckets.length, @namespace, @readonly] end ## # Returns whether there is at least one active server for the object. def active? not @servers.empty? end ## # Returns whether or not the cache object was created read only. def readonly? @readonly end ## # Set the servers that the requests will be distributed between. Entries # can be either strings of the form "hostname:port" or # "hostname:port:weight" or MemCache::Server objects. def servers=(servers) # Create the server objects. @servers = Array(servers).collect do |server| case server when String host, port, weight = server.split ':', 3 port ||= DEFAULT_PORT weight ||= DEFAULT_WEIGHT Server.new self, host, port, weight when Server if server.memcache.multithread != @multithread then raise ArgumentError, "can't mix threaded and non-threaded servers" end server else raise TypeError, "cannot convert #{server.class} into MemCache::Server" end end # Create an array of server buckets for weight selection of servers. @buckets = [] @servers.each do |server| server.weight.times { @buckets.push(server) } end end ## # Decrements the value for +key+ by +amount+ and returns the new value. # +key+ must already exist. If +key+ is not an integer, it is assumed to be # 0. +key+ can not be decremented below 0. def decr(key, amount = 1) raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly with_server(key) do |server, cache_key| cache_decr server, cache_key, amount end rescue TypeError => err handle_error nil, err end ## # Retrieves +key+ from memcache. If +raw+ is false, the value will be # unmarshalled. def get(key, raw = false) with_server(key) do |server, cache_key| value = cache_get server, cache_key return nil if value.nil? value = Marshal.load value unless raw return value end rescue TypeError => err handle_error nil, err end ## # Retrieves multiple values from memcached in parallel, if possible. # # The memcached protocol supports the ability to retrieve multiple # keys in a single request. Pass in an array of keys to this method # and it will: # # 1. map the key to the appropriate memcached server # 2. send a single request to each server that has one or more key values # # Returns a hash of values. # # cache["a"] = 1 # cache["b"] = 2 # cache.get_multi "a", "b" # => { "a" => 1, "b" => 2 } def get_multi(*keys) raise MemCacheError, 'No active servers' unless active? keys.flatten! key_count = keys.length cache_keys = {} server_keys = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] } # map keys to servers keys.each do |key| server, cache_key = request_setup key cache_keys[cache_key] = key server_keys[server] << cache_key end results = {} server_keys.each do |server, keys_for_server| keys_for_server = keys_for_server.join ' ' values = cache_get_multi server, keys_for_server values.each do |key, value| results[cache_keys[key]] = Marshal.load value end end return results rescue TypeError, IndexError => err handle_error nil, err end ## # Increments the value for +key+ by +amount+ and returns the new value. # +key+ must already exist. If +key+ is not an integer, it is assumed to be # 0. def incr(key, amount = 1) raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly with_server(key) do |server, cache_key| cache_incr server, cache_key, amount end rescue TypeError => err handle_error nil, err end ## # Add +key+ to the cache with value +value+ that expires in +expiry+ # seconds. If +raw+ is true, +value+ will not be Marshalled. # # Warning: Readers should not call this method in the event of a cache miss; # see MemCache#add. def set(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false) raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly with_server(key) do |server, cache_key| value = Marshal.dump value unless raw command = "set #{cache_key} 0 #{expiry} #{value.to_s.size}\r\n#{value}\r\n" with_socket_management(server) do |socket| socket.write command result = socket.gets raise_on_error_response! result if result.nil? server.close raise MemCacheError, "lost connection to #{server.host}:#{server.port}" end result end end end ## # Add +key+ to the cache with value +value+ that expires in +expiry+ # seconds, but only if +key+ does not already exist in the cache. # If +raw+ is true, +value+ will not be Marshalled. # # Readers should call this method in the event of a cache miss, not # MemCache#set or MemCache#[]=. def add(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false) raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly with_server(key) do |server, cache_key| value = Marshal.dump value unless raw command = "add #{cache_key} 0 #{expiry} #{value.size}\r\n#{value}\r\n" with_socket_management(server) do |socket| socket.write command result = socket.gets raise_on_error_response! result result end end end ## # Removes +key+ from the cache in +expiry+ seconds. def delete(key, expiry = 0) raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly with_server(key) do |server, cache_key| with_socket_management(server) do |socket| socket.write "delete #{cache_key} #{expiry}\r\n" result = socket.gets raise_on_error_response! result result end end end ## # Flush the cache from all memcache servers. def flush_all raise MemCacheError, 'No active servers' unless active? raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly begin @mutex.lock if @multithread @servers.each do |server| with_socket_management(server) do |socket| socket.write "flush_all\r\n" result = socket.gets raise_on_error_response! result result end end rescue IndexError => err handle_error nil, err ensure @mutex.unlock if @multithread end end ## # Reset the connection to all memcache servers. This should be called if # there is a problem with a cache lookup that might have left the connection # in a corrupted state. def reset @servers.each { |server| server.close } end ## # Returns statistics for each memcached server. An explanation of the # statistics can be found in the memcached docs: # # http://code.sixapart.com/svn/memcached/trunk/server/doc/protocol.txt # # Example: # # >> pp CACHE.stats # {"localhost:11211"=> # {"bytes"=>4718, # "pid"=>20188, # "connection_structures"=>4, # "time"=>1162278121, # "pointer_size"=>32, # "limit_maxbytes"=>67108864, # "cmd_get"=>14532, # "version"=>"1.2.0", # "bytes_written"=>432583, # "cmd_set"=>32, # "get_misses"=>0, # "total_connections"=>19, # "curr_connections"=>3, # "curr_items"=>4, # "uptime"=>1557, # "get_hits"=>14532, # "total_items"=>32, # "rusage_system"=>0.313952, # "rusage_user"=>0.119981, # "bytes_read"=>190619}} # => nil def stats raise MemCacheError, "No active servers" unless active? server_stats = {} @servers.each do |server| next unless server.alive? with_socket_management(server) do |socket| value = nil socket.write "stats\r\n" stats = {} while line = socket.gets do raise_on_error_response! line break if line == "END\r\n" if line =~ /\ASTAT ([\w]+) ([\w\.\:]+)/ then name, value = $1, $2 stats[name] = case name when 'version' value when 'rusage_user', 'rusage_system' then seconds, microseconds = value.split(/:/, 2) microseconds ||= 0 Float(seconds) + (Float(microseconds) / 1_000_000) else if value =~ /\A\d+\Z/ then value.to_i else value end end end end server_stats["#{server.host}:#{server.port}"] = stats end end raise MemCacheError, "No active servers" if server_stats.empty? server_stats end ## # Shortcut to get a value from the cache. alias [] get ## # Shortcut to save a value in the cache. This method does not set an # expiration on the entry. Use set to specify an explicit expiry. def []=(key, value) set key, value end protected unless $TESTING ## # Create a key for the cache, incorporating the namespace qualifier if # requested. def make_cache_key(key) if namespace.nil? then key else "#{@namespace}:#{key}" end end ## # Pick a server to handle the request based on a hash of the key. def get_server_for_key(key, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, "illegal character in key #{key.inspect}" if key =~ /\s/ raise ArgumentError, "key too long #{key.inspect}" if key.length > 250 raise MemCacheError, "No servers available" if @servers.empty? return @servers.first if @servers.length == 1 hkey = hash_for key if @failover 20.times do |try| server = @buckets[hkey % @buckets.compact.size] return server if server.alive? hkey += hash_for "#{try}#{key}" end else return @buckets[hkey % @buckets.compact.size] end raise MemCacheError, "No servers available" end ## # Returns an interoperable hash value for +key+. (I think, docs are # sketchy for down servers). def hash_for(key) (Zlib.crc32(key) >> 16) & 0x7fff end ## # Performs a raw decr for +cache_key+ from +server+. Returns nil if not # found. def cache_decr(server, cache_key, amount) with_socket_management(server) do |socket| socket.write "decr #{cache_key} #{amount}\r\n" text = socket.gets raise_on_error_response! text return nil if text == "NOT_FOUND\r\n" return text.to_i end end ## # Fetches the raw data for +cache_key+ from +server+. Returns nil on cache # miss. def cache_get(server, cache_key) with_socket_management(server) do |socket| socket.write "get #{cache_key}\r\n" keyline = socket.gets # "VALUE \r\n" if keyline.nil? then server.close raise MemCacheError, "lost connection to #{server.host}:#{server.port}" end raise_on_error_response! keyline return nil if keyline == "END\r\n" unless keyline =~ /(\d+)\r/ then server.close raise MemCacheError, "unexpected response #{keyline.inspect}" end value = socket.read $1.to_i socket.read 2 # "\r\n" socket.gets # "END\r\n" return value end end ## # Fetches +cache_keys+ from +server+ using a multi-get. def cache_get_multi(server, cache_keys) with_socket_management(server) do |socket| values = {} socket.write "get #{cache_keys}\r\n" while keyline = socket.gets do return values if keyline == "END\r\n" raise_on_error_response! keyline unless keyline =~ /\AVALUE (.+) (.+) (.+)/ then server.close raise MemCacheError, "unexpected response #{keyline.inspect}" end key, data_length = $1, $3 values[$1] = socket.read data_length.to_i socket.read(2) # "\r\n" end server.close raise MemCacheError, "lost connection to #{server.host}:#{server.port}" # TODO: retry here too end end ## # Performs a raw incr for +cache_key+ from +server+. Returns nil if not # found. def cache_incr(server, cache_key, amount) with_socket_management(server) do |socket| socket.write "incr #{cache_key} #{amount}\r\n" text = socket.gets raise_on_error_response! text return nil if text == "NOT_FOUND\r\n" return text.to_i end end ## # Gets or creates a socket connected to the given server, and yields it # to the block, wrapped in a mutex synchronization if @multithread is true. # # If a socket error (SocketError, SystemCallError, IOError) or protocol error # (MemCacheError) is raised by the block, closes the socket, attempts to # connect again, and retries the block (once). If an error is again raised, # reraises it as MemCacheError. # # If unable to connect to the server (or if in the reconnect wait period), # raises MemCacheError. Note that the socket connect code marks a server # dead for a timeout period, so retrying does not apply to connection attempt # failures (but does still apply to unexpectedly lost connections etc.). def with_socket_management(server, &block) @mutex.lock if @multithread retried = false begin socket = server.socket # Raise an IndexError to show this server is out of whack. If were inside # a with_server block, we'll catch it and attempt to restart the operation. raise IndexError, "No connection to server (#{server.status})" if socket.nil? block.call(socket) rescue SocketError => err server.mark_dead(err.message) handle_error(server, err) rescue MemCacheError, SocketError, SystemCallError, IOError => err handle_error(server, err) if retried || socket.nil? retried = true retry end ensure @mutex.unlock if @multithread end def with_server(key) retried = false begin server, cache_key = request_setup(key) yield server, cache_key rescue IndexError => e if !retried && @servers.size > 1 puts "Connection to server #{server.inspect} DIED! Retrying operation..." retried = true retry end handle_error(nil, e) end end ## # Handles +error+ from +server+. def handle_error(server, error) raise error if error.is_a?(MemCacheError) server.close if server new_error = MemCacheError.new error.message new_error.set_backtrace error.backtrace raise new_error end ## # Performs setup for making a request with +key+ from memcached. Returns # the server to fetch the key from and the complete key to use. def request_setup(key) raise MemCacheError, 'No active servers' unless active? cache_key = make_cache_key key server = get_server_for_key cache_key return server, cache_key end def raise_on_error_response!(response) if response =~ /\A(?:CLIENT_|SERVER_)?ERROR(.*)/ raise MemCacheError, $1.strip end end ## # This class represents a memcached server instance. class Server ## # The amount of time to wait to establish a connection with a memcached # server. If a connection cannot be established within this time limit, # the server will be marked as down. CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 0.25 ## # The amount of time to wait for a response from a memcached server. # If a response isn't received within this time limit, # the server will be marked as down. SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 0.5 ## # The amount of time to wait before attempting to re-establish a # connection with a server that is marked dead. RETRY_DELAY = 30.0 ## # The host the memcached server is running on. attr_reader :host ## # The port the memcached server is listening on. attr_reader :port ## # The weight given to the server. attr_reader :weight ## # The time of next retry if the connection is dead. attr_reader :retry ## # A text status string describing the state of the server. attr_reader :status ## # Create a new MemCache::Server object for the memcached instance # listening on the given host and port, weighted by the given weight. def initialize(memcache, host, port = DEFAULT_PORT, weight = DEFAULT_WEIGHT) raise ArgumentError, "No host specified" if host.nil? or host.empty? raise ArgumentError, "No port specified" if port.nil? or port.to_i.zero? @memcache = memcache @host = host @port = port.to_i @weight = weight.to_i @multithread = @memcache.multithread @mutex = Mutex.new @sock = nil @retry = nil @status = 'NOT CONNECTED' end ## # Return a string representation of the server object. def inspect "" % [@host, @port, @weight, @status] end ## # Check whether the server connection is alive. This will cause the # socket to attempt to connect if it isn't already connected and or if # the server was previously marked as down and the retry time has # been exceeded. def alive? !!socket end ## # Try to connect to the memcached server targeted by this object. # Returns the connected socket object on success or nil on failure. def socket @mutex.lock if @multithread return @sock if @sock and not @sock.closed? @sock = nil # If the host was dead, don't retry for a while. return if @retry and @retry > Time.now # Attempt to connect if not already connected. begin @sock = TCPTimeoutSocket.new @host, @port if Socket.constants.include? 'TCP_NODELAY' then @sock.setsockopt Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1 end @retry = nil @status = 'CONNECTED' rescue SocketError, SystemCallError, IOError, Timeout::Error => err mark_dead err.message end return @sock ensure @mutex.unlock if @multithread end ## # Close the connection to the memcached server targeted by this # object. The server is not considered dead. def close @mutex.lock if @multithread @sock.close if @sock && !@sock.closed? @sock = nil @retry = nil @status = "NOT CONNECTED" ensure @mutex.unlock if @multithread end ## # Mark the server as dead and close its socket. def mark_dead(reason = "Unknown error") @sock.close if @sock && !@sock.closed? @sock = nil @retry = Time.now + RETRY_DELAY @status = sprintf "%s:%s DEAD: %s, will retry at %s", @host, @port, reason, @retry end end ## # Base MemCache exception class. class MemCacheError < RuntimeError; end end # TCPSocket facade class which implements timeouts. class TCPTimeoutSocket def initialize(*args) Timeout::timeout(MemCache::Server::CONNECT_TIMEOUT, SocketError) do @sock = TCPSocket.new(*args) @len = MemCache::Server::SOCKET_TIMEOUT.to_f || 0.5 end end def write(*args) Timeout::timeout(@len, SocketError) do @sock.write(*args) end end def gets(*args) Timeout::timeout(@len, SocketError) do @sock.gets(*args) end end def read(*args) Timeout::timeout(@len, SocketError) do @sock.read(*args) end end def _socket @sock end def method_missing(meth, *args) @sock.__send__(meth, *args) end end