#!/usr/bin/env ruby #-- # Copyright 2004 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org). # All rights reserved. # Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution, # and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the # above copyright notice is included. #++ require 'builder/xmlmarkup' module Builder # Create a series of SAX-like XML events (e.g. start_tag, end_tag) # from the markup code. XmlEvent objects are used in a way similar # to XmlMarkup objects, except that a series of events are generated # and passed to a handler rather than generating character-based # markup. # # Usage: # xe = Builder::XmlEvents.new(hander) # xe.title("HI") # Sends start_tag/end_tag/text messages to the handler. # # Indentation may also be selected by providing value for the # indentation size and initial indentation level. # # xe = Builder::XmlEvents.new(handler, indent_size, initial_indent_level) # # == XML Event Handler # # The handler object must expect the following events. # # [start_tag(tag, attrs)] # Announces that a new tag has been found. +tag+ is the name of # the tag and +attrs+ is a hash of attributes for the tag. # # [end_tag(tag)] # Announces that an end tag for +tag+ has been found. # # [text(text)] # Announces that a string of characters (+text+) has been found. # A series of characters may be broken up into more than one # +text+ call, so the client cannot assume that a single # callback contains all the text data. # class XmlEvents < XmlMarkup def text!(text) @target.text(text) end def _start_tag(sym, attrs, end_too=false) @target.start_tag(sym, attrs) _end_tag(sym) if end_too end def _end_tag(sym) @target.end_tag(sym) end end end