module ActiveSupport # A Time-like class that can represent a time in any time zone. Necessary because standard Ruby Time instances are # limited to UTC and the system's ENV['TZ'] zone class TimeWithZone include Comparable attr_reader :time_zone def initialize(utc_time, time_zone, local_time = nil) @utc = utc_time @time = local_time @time_zone = time_zone end # Returns a Time instance that represents the time in time_zone def time @time ||= time_zone.utc_to_local(@utc) end # Returns a Time instance that represents the time in UTC def utc @utc ||= time_zone.local_to_utc(@time) end alias_method :comparable_time, :utc # Returns the underlying TZInfo::TimezonePeriod for the local time def period @period ||= get_period_for_local end # Returns the simultaneous time in the specified zone def in_time_zone(new_zone) utc.in_time_zone(new_zone) end # Returns the simultaneous time in def in_current_time_zone utc.in_current_time_zone end # Changes the time zone without converting the time def change_time_zone(new_zone) time.change_time_zone(new_zone) end # Returns a Time.local() instance of the simultaneous time in your system's ENV['TZ'] zone def localtime utc.dup.localtime # use #dup because Time#localtime is destructive end def dst? period.dst? end def utc? == 'UTC' end def utc_offset period.utc_total_offset end def formatted_offset(colon = true, alternate_utc_string = nil) utc? && alternate_utc_string || utc_offset.to_utc_offset_s(colon) end # Time uses #zone to display the time zone abbreviation, so we're duck-typing it def zone period.abbreviation.to_s end def inspect "#{time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')} #{zone} #{formatted_offset}" end def xmlschema "#{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")}#{formatted_offset(true, 'Z')}" end def to_json(options = nil) %("#{time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false)}") end # :db format outputs time in UTC; all others output time in local. Uses TimeWithZone's strftime, so %Z and %z work correctly def to_s(format = :default) return utc.to_s(format) if format == :db if formatter = ::Time::DATE_FORMATS[format] formatter.respond_to?(:call) ? : strftime(formatter) else "#{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false, 'UTC')}" # mimicking Ruby 1.9 Time#to_s format end end # Replaces %Z and %z directives with #zone and #formatted_offset, respectively, before passing to # Time#strftime, so that zone information is correct def strftime(format) format = format.gsub('%Z', zone).gsub('%z', formatted_offset(false)) time.strftime(format) end # Use the time in UTC for comparisons def <=>(other) utc <=> other end # Need to override #- to intercept situation where a Time or Time With Zone object is passed in # Otherwise, just pass on to method missing def -(other) other.acts_like?(:time) ? utc - other : method_missing(:-, other) end # A TimeProxy acts like a Time, so just return self def to_time self end # so that self acts_like?(:time) def acts_like_time? true end # Say we're a Time to thwart type checking def is_a?(klass) klass == ::Time || super end alias_method :kind_of?, :is_a? # Neuter freeze because freezing can cause problems with lazy loading of attributes def freeze self end # Ensure proxy class responds to all methods that underlying time instance responds to def respond_to?(sym) super || time.respond_to?(sym) end # Send the missing method to time instance, and wrap result in a new TimeWithZone with the existing time_zone def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) result = time.__send__(sym, *args, &block) result = result.change_time_zone(time_zone) if result.acts_like?(:time) result end private def get_period_for_local t = time begin time_zone.period_for_local(t, true) rescue ::TZInfo::PeriodNotFound # failover logic from TzTime t -= 1.hour retry end end end end