module ActiveSupport module Testing module MethodCallAssertions # :nodoc: private def assert_called(object, method_name, message = nil, times: 1) times_called = 0 object.stub(method_name, -> { times_called += 1 }) { yield } error = "Expected #{method_name} to be called #{times} times, " \ "but was called #{times_called} times" error = "#{message}.\n#{error}" if message assert_equal times, times_called, error end def assert_called_with(object, method_name, args = [], returns: nil) mock = mock.expect(:call, returns, args) object.stub(method_name, mock) { yield } mock.verify end def assert_not_called(object, method_name, message = nil, &block) assert_called(object, method_name, message, times: 0, &block) end end end end