# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/core_ext/module/delegation" require "active_support/core_ext/object/blank" require "logger" require "active_support/logger" module ActiveSupport # Wraps any standard Logger object to provide tagging capabilities. # # logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Logger.new(STDOUT)) # logger.tagged('BCX') { logger.info 'Stuff' } # Logs "[BCX] Stuff" # logger.tagged('BCX', "Jason") { logger.info 'Stuff' } # Logs "[BCX] [Jason] Stuff" # logger.tagged('BCX') { logger.tagged('Jason') { logger.info 'Stuff' } } # Logs "[BCX] [Jason] Stuff" # # This is used by the default Rails.logger as configured by Railties to make # it easy to stamp log lines with subdomains, request ids, and anything else # to aid debugging of multi-user production applications. module TaggedLogging module Formatter # :nodoc: # This method is invoked when a log event occurs. def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg) super(severity, timestamp, progname, "#{tags_text}#{msg}") end def tagged(*tags) new_tags = push_tags(*tags) yield self ensure pop_tags(new_tags.size) end def push_tags(*tags) tags.flatten.reject(&:blank?).tap do |new_tags| @tags_text = nil current_tags.concat new_tags end end def pop_tags(size = 1) @tags_text = nil current_tags.pop size end def clear_tags! @tags_text = nil current_tags.clear end def current_tags # We use our object ID here to avoid conflicting with other instances thread_key = @thread_key ||= "activesupport_tagged_logging_tags:#{object_id}" Thread.current[thread_key] ||= [] end def tags_text @tags_text ||= begin tags = current_tags if tags.one? "[#{tags[0]}] " elsif tags.any? tags.collect { |tag| "[#{tag}] " }.join end end end end def self.new(logger) logger = logger.dup if logger.formatter logger.formatter = logger.formatter.dup else # Ensure we set a default formatter so we aren't extending nil! logger.formatter = ActiveSupport::Logger::SimpleFormatter.new end logger.formatter.extend Formatter logger.extend(self) end delegate :push_tags, :pop_tags, :clear_tags!, to: :formatter def tagged(*tags) formatter.tagged(*tags) { yield self } end def flush clear_tags! super if defined?(super) end end end