# frozen_string_literal: true

require "active_support/core_ext/module/delegation"

module ActiveSupport
  # NOTE: This approach has been deprecated for end-user code in favor of {thread_mattr_accessor}[rdoc-ref:Module#thread_mattr_accessor] and friends.
  # Please use that approach instead.
  # This module is used to encapsulate access to thread local variables.
  # Instead of polluting the thread locals namespace:
  #   Thread.current[:connection_handler]
  # you define a class that extends this module:
  #   module ActiveRecord
  #     class RuntimeRegistry
  #       extend ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry
  #       attr_accessor :connection_handler
  #     end
  #   end
  # and invoke the declared instance accessors as class methods. So
  #   ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry.connection_handler = connection_handler
  # sets a connection handler local to the current thread, and
  #   ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry.connection_handler
  # returns a connection handler local to the current thread.
  # This feature is accomplished by instantiating the class and storing the
  # instance as a thread local keyed by the class name. In the example above
  # a key "ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry" is stored in <tt>Thread.current</tt>.
  # The class methods proxy to said thread local instance.
  # If the class has an initializer, it must accept no arguments.
  module PerThreadRegistry
    def self.extended(object)
      object.instance_variable_set "@per_thread_registry_key", object.name.freeze

    def instance
      Thread.current[@per_thread_registry_key] ||= new

      def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
        # Caches the method definition as a singleton method of the receiver.
        # By letting #delegate handle it, we avoid an enclosure that'll capture args.
        singleton_class.delegate name, to: :instance

        send(name, *args, &block)