module ActiveSupport # This module creates a local registry class inside each thread. It provides # basic methods which will store thread locals in a single class. This # prevents the proliferation of too many thread locals and allows you to # explicitly keep track of each of the variables you're using as thread # locals in a class which includes this module. # # For example, instead of using a bunch of different thread locals to keep # track of some variables like so: # # Thread.current[:active_record_connection_handler] = connection_handler # Thread.current[:active_record_sql_runtime] = sql_runtime # # You could use the following class which implements the +PerThreadRegistry+ # module: # # class NewRegistry # extend ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry # # attr_accessor :connection_handler, :sql_runtime # end # # NewRegistry.instance.connection_handler = connection_handler # NewRegistry.instance.sql_runtime = sql_runtime # # The new way of keeping track of the thread locals will create a new local # inside of +Thread.current+ with a key which is the name of the extended # class. Now you can easily access per thread variables by just calling the # variable name on the registry. module PerThreadRegistry def instance Thread.current[] ||= new end protected def method_missing(*args, &block) instance.public_send(*args, &block) end end end