module ActiveSupport # This module is used to encapsulate access to thread local variables. # # Given # # module ActiveRecord # class RuntimeRegistry # extend ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry # # attr_accessor :connection_handler # end # end # # ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry gets an +instance+ class method # that returns an instance of the class unique to the current thread. Thus, # instead of polluting +Thread.current+ # # Thread.current[:connection_handler] # # you write # # ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry.instance.connection_handler # # A +method_missing+ handler that proxies to the thread local instance is # installed in the extended class so the call above can be shortened to # # ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry.connection_handler # # The instance is stored as a thread local keyed by the name of the class, # that is the string "ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry" in the example above. # # If the class has an initializer, it must accept no arguments. module PerThreadRegistry def instance Thread.current[] ||= new end protected def method_missing(*args, &block) instance.public_send(*args, &block) end end end