require 'active_support/core_ext/array/wrap' require 'active_support/core_ext/class/inheritable_attributes' require 'active_support/core_ext/kernel/reporting' module ActiveSupport # Callbacks are hooks into the lifecycle of an object that allow you to trigger logic # before or after an alteration of the object state. # # Mixing in this module allows you to define callbacks in your class. # # Example: # class Storage # include ActiveSupport::Callbacks # # define_callbacks :save # end # # class ConfigStorage < Storage # set_callback :save, :before, :saving_message # def saving_message # puts "saving..." # end # # set_callback :save, :after do |object| # puts "saved" # end # # def save # _run_set_callback :save,s do # puts "- save" # end # end # end # # config = # # # Output: # saving... # - save # saved # # Callbacks from parent classes are inherited. # # Example: # class Storage # include ActiveSupport::Callbacks # # define_callbacks :save # # set_callback :save, :before, :prepare # def prepare # puts "preparing save" # end # end # # class ConfigStorage < Storage # set_callback :save, :before, :saving_message # def saving_message # puts "saving..." # end # # set_callback :save, :after do |object| # puts "saved" # end # # def save # _run_set_callback :save,s do # puts "- save" # end # end # end # # config = # # # Output: # preparing save # saving... # - save # saved # module NewCallbacks def self.included(klass) klass.extend ClassMethods end def run_callbacks(kind, options = {}, &blk) send("_run_#{kind}_callbacks", &blk) end class Callback @@_callback_sequence = 0 attr_accessor :name, :filter, :kind, :options, :per_key, :klass def initialize(name, filter, kind, options, klass) @name, @kind, @klass = name, kind, klass normalize_options!(options) @per_key = options.delete(:per_key) @raw_filter, @options = filter, options @filter = _compile_filter(filter) @compiled_options = _compile_options(options) @callback_id = next_id _compile_per_key_options end def clone(klass) obj = super() = name obj.klass = klass obj.per_key = @per_key.dup obj.options = @options.dup obj.per_key[:if] = @per_key[:if].dup obj.per_key[:unless] = @per_key[:unless].dup obj.options[:if] = @options[:if].dup obj.options[:unless] = @options[:unless].dup obj.options[:scope] = @options[:scope].dup obj end def normalize_options!(options) options[:if] = Array.wrap(options[:if]) options[:unless] = Array.wrap(options[:unless]) options[:scope] ||= [:kind] options[:scope] = Array.wrap(options[:scope]) options[:per_key] ||= {} options[:per_key][:if] = Array.wrap(options[:per_key][:if]) options[:per_key][:unless] = Array.wrap(options[:per_key][:unless]) end def next_id @@_callback_sequence += 1 end def matches?(_kind, _filter) @kind == _kind && @filter == _filter end def _update_filter(filter_options, new_options) filter_options[:if].push(new_options[:unless]) if new_options.key?(:unless) filter_options[:unless].push(new_options[:if]) if new_options.key?(:if) end def recompile!(_options, _per_key) _update_filter(self.options, _options) _update_filter(self.per_key, _per_key) @callback_id = next_id @filter = _compile_filter(@raw_filter) @compiled_options = _compile_options(@options) _compile_per_key_options end def _compile_per_key_options key_options = _compile_options(@per_key) @klass.class_eval <<-RUBY_EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def _one_time_conditions_valid_#{@callback_id}? true #{key_options[0]} end RUBY_EVAL end # This will supply contents for before and around filters, and no # contents for after filters (for the forward pass). def start(key = nil, options = {}) object, terminator = (options || {}).values_at(:object, :terminator) return if key && !object.send("_one_time_conditions_valid_#{@callback_id}?") terminator ||= false # options[0] is the compiled form of supplied conditions # options[1] is the "end" for the conditional if @kind == :before || @kind == :around if @kind == :before # if condition # before_save :filter_name, :if => :condition # filter_name # end filter = <<-RUBY_EVAL unless halted result = #{@filter} halted = (#{terminator}) end RUBY_EVAL [@compiled_options[0], filter, @compiled_options[1]].compact.join("\n") else # Compile around filters with conditions into proxy methods # that contain the conditions. # # For `around_save :filter_name, :if => :condition': # # def _conditional_callback_save_17 # if condition # filter_name do # yield self # end # else # yield self # end # end # name = "_conditional_callback_#{@kind}_#{next_id}" txt, line = <<-RUBY_EVAL, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}(halted) #{@compiled_options[0] || "if true"} && !halted #{@filter} do yield self end else yield self end end RUBY_EVAL @klass.class_eval(txt, __FILE__, line) "#{name}(halted) do" end end end # This will supply contents for around and after filters, but not # before filters (for the backward pass). def end(key = nil, options = {}) object = (options || {})[:object] return if key && !object.send("_one_time_conditions_valid_#{@callback_id}?") if @kind == :around || @kind == :after # if condition # after_save :filter_name, :if => :condition # filter_name # end if @kind == :after [@compiled_options[0], @filter, @compiled_options[1]].compact.join("\n") else "end" end end end private # Options support the same options as filters themselves (and support # symbols, string, procs, and objects), so compile a conditional # expression based on the options def _compile_options(options) return [] if options[:if].empty? && options[:unless].empty? conditions = [] unless options[:if].empty? conditions << Array.wrap(_compile_filter(options[:if])) end unless options[:unless].empty? conditions << Array.wrap(_compile_filter(options[:unless])).map {|f| "!#{f}"} end ["if #{conditions.flatten.join(" && ")}", "end"] end # Filters support: # # Arrays:: Used in conditions. This is used to specify # multiple conditions. Used internally to # merge conditions from skip_* filters # Symbols:: A method to call # Strings:: Some content to evaluate # Procs:: A proc to call with the object # Objects:: An object with a before_foo method on it to call # # All of these objects are compiled into methods and handled # the same after this point: # # Arrays:: Merged together into a single filter # Symbols:: Already methods # Strings:: class_eval'ed into methods # Procs:: define_method'ed into methods # Objects:: # a method is created that calls the before_foo method # on the object. # def _compile_filter(filter) method_name = "_callback_#{@kind}_#{next_id}" case filter when Array {|f| _compile_filter(f)} when Symbol filter when String "(#{filter})" when Proc @klass.send(:define_method, method_name, &filter) return method_name if filter.arity <= 0 method_name << (filter.arity == 1 ? "(self)" : " self, ") else @klass.send(:define_method, "#{method_name}_object") { filter } _normalize_legacy_filter(kind, filter) method_to_call = @options[:scope].map{ |s| s.is_a?(Symbol) ? send(s) : s }.join("_") @klass.class_eval <<-RUBY_EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method_name}(&blk) #{method_name}_object.send(:#{method_to_call}, self, &blk) end RUBY_EVAL method_name end end def _normalize_legacy_filter(kind, filter) if !filter.respond_to?(kind) && filter.respond_to?(:filter) filter.metaclass.class_eval( "def #{kind}(context, &block) filter(context, &block) end", __FILE__, __LINE__ - 1) elsif filter.respond_to?(:before) && filter.respond_to?(:after) && kind == :around def filter.around(context) should_continue = before(context) yield if should_continue after(context) end end end end # An Array with a compile method class CallbackChain < Array attr_reader :symbol, :config def initialize(symbol, config) @symbol = symbol @config = config end def compile(key=nil, options={}) options = config.merge(options) method = [] method << "value = nil" method << "halted = false" each do |callback| method << callback.start(key, options) end method << "value = yield if block_given? && !halted" reverse_each do |callback| method << callback.end(key, options) end method << "halted ? false : (block_given? ? value : true)" method.compact.join("\n") end def clone(klass) chain =, @config.dup) chain.push(*map {|c| c.clone(klass)}) end end module ClassMethods # Make the _run_set_callback :save method. The generated method takes # a block that it'll yield to. It'll call the before and around filters # in order, yield the block, and then run the after filters. # # _run_set_callback :save do # save # end # # The _run_set_callback :save method can optionally take a key, which # will be used to compile an optimized callback method for each # key. See #define_callbacks for more information. # def __define_runner(symbol) #:nodoc: body = send("_#{symbol}_callbacks").compile(nil) body, line = <<-RUBY_EVAL, __LINE__ def _run_#{symbol}_callbacks(key = nil, &blk) if key name = "_run__\#{}__#{symbol}__\#{key.hash.abs}__callbacks" unless respond_to?(name) self.class.__create_keyed_callback(name, :#{symbol}, self, &blk) end send(name, &blk) else #{body} end end RUBY_EVAL silence_warnings do undef_method "_run_#{symbol}_callbacks" if method_defined?("_run_#{symbol}_callbacks") class_eval body, __FILE__, line end end # This is called the first time a callback is called with a particular # key. It creates a new callback method for the key, calculating # which callbacks can be omitted because of per_key conditions. # def __create_keyed_callback(name, kind, obj, &blk) #:nodoc: @_keyed_callbacks ||= {} @_keyed_callbacks[name] ||= begin str = send("_#{kind}_callbacks").compile(name, :object => obj) class_eval "def #{name}() #{str} end", __FILE__, __LINE__ true end end def __update_callbacks(name, filters =, {}), block = nil) type = [:before, :after, :around].include?(filters.first) ? filters.shift : :before options = filters.last.is_a?(Hash) ? filters.pop : {} filters.unshift(block) if block callbacks = send("_#{name}_callbacks") yield callbacks, type, filters, options if block_given? __define_runner(name) end # Define callbacks. # # Syntax: # set_callback :save, :before, :before_meth # set_callback :save, :after, :after_meth, :if => :condition # set_callback :save, :around {|r| stuff; yield; stuff } # # It also updates the _run__callbacks method, which is the public # API to run the callbacks. Use skip_callback to skip any defined one. # # When creating or skipping callbacks, you can specify conditions that # are always the same for a given key. For instance, in ActionPack, # we convert :only and :except conditions into per-key conditions. # # before_filter :authenticate, :except => "index" # becomes # dispatch_callback :before, :authenticate, :per_key => {:unless => proc {|c| c.action_name == "index"}} # # Per-Key conditions are evaluated only once per use of a given key. # In the case of the above example, you would do: # # run_dispatch_callbacks(action_name) { ... dispatch stuff ... } # # In that case, each action_name would get its own compiled callback # method that took into consideration the per_key conditions. This # is a speed improvement for ActionPack. # def set_callback(name, *filters, &block) __update_callbacks(name, filters, block) do |callbacks, type, filters, options|! do |filter| callbacks.delete_if {|c| c.matches?(type, filter) }, filter, type, options.merge(callbacks.config), self) end options[:prepend] ? callbacks.unshift(*filters) : callbacks.push(*filters) end end def skip_callback(name, *filters, &block) __update_callbacks(name, filters, block) do |callbacks, type, filters, options| filters.each do |filter| callbacks = send("_#{name}_callbacks=", callbacks.clone(self)) filter = callbacks.find {|c| c.matches?(type, filter) } if filter && options.any? filter.recompile!(options, options[:per_key] || {}) else callbacks.delete(filter) end end end end def reset_callbacks(symbol) send("_#{symbol}_callbacks").clear __define_runner(symbol) end def define_callbacks(*symbols) config = symbols.last.is_a?(Hash) ? symbols.pop : {} symbols.each do |symbol| extlib_inheritable_accessor("_#{symbol}_callbacks") do, config) end __define_runner(symbol) end end end end end