# frozen_string_literal: true require "openssl" require "base64" require_relative "core_ext/array/extract_options" require_relative "message_verifier" require_relative "messages/metadata" module ActiveSupport # MessageEncryptor is a simple way to encrypt values which get stored # somewhere you don't trust. # # The cipher text and initialization vector are base64 encoded and returned # to you. # # This can be used in situations similar to the MessageVerifier, but # where you don't want users to be able to determine the value of the payload. # # len = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.key_len # salt = SecureRandom.random_bytes(len) # key = ActiveSupport::KeyGenerator.new('password').generate_key(salt, len) # => "\x89\xE0\x156\xAC..." # crypt = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(key) # => # # encrypted_data = crypt.encrypt_and_sign('my secret data') # => "NlFBTTMwOUV5UlA1QlNEN2xkY2d6eThYWWh..." # crypt.decrypt_and_verify(encrypted_data) # => "my secret data" # # === Confining messages to a specific purpose # # By default any message can be used throughout your app. But they can also be # confined to a specific +:purpose+. # # token = crypt.encrypt_and_sign("this is the chair", purpose: :login) # # Then that same purpose must be passed when verifying to get the data back out: # # crypt.decrypt_and_verify(token, purpose: :login) # => "this is the chair" # crypt.decrypt_and_verify(token, purpose: :shipping) # => nil # crypt.decrypt_and_verify(token) # => nil # # Likewise, if a message has no purpose it won't be returned when verifying with # a specific purpose. # # token = crypt.encrypt_and_sign("the conversation is lively") # crypt.decrypt_and_verify(token, purpose: :scare_tactics) # => nil # crypt.decrypt_and_verify(token) # => "the conversation is lively" # # === Making messages expire # # By default messages last forever and verifying one year from now will still # return the original value. But messages can be set to expire at a given # time with +:expires_in+ or +:expires_at+. # # crypt.encrypt_and_sign(parcel, expires_in: 1.month) # crypt.encrypt_and_sign(doowad, expires_at: Time.now.end_of_year) # # Then the messages can be verified and returned upto the expire time. # Thereafter, verifying returns +nil+. # # === Rotating keys # # This class also defines a +rotate+ method which can be used to rotate out # encryption keys no longer in use. # # This method is called with an options hash where a +:cipher+ option and # either a +:raw_key+ or +:secret+ option must be defined. If +:raw_key+ is # defined, it is used directly for the underlying encryption function. If # the +:secret+ option is defined, a +:salt+ option must also be defined and # a +KeyGenerator+ instance will be used to derive a key using +:salt+. When # +:secret+ is used, a +:key_generator+ option may also be defined allowing # for custom +KeyGenerator+ instances. If CBC encryption is used a # `:raw_signed_key` or a `:signed_salt` option must also be defined. A # +:digest+ may also be defined when using CBC encryption. This method can be # called multiple times and new encryptor instances will be added to the # rotation stack on each call. # # # Specifying the key used for encryption # crypt.rotate raw_key: old_aead_key, cipher: "aes-256-gcm" # crypt.rotate raw_key: old_cbc_key, raw_signed_key: old_cbc_sign_key, cipher: "aes-256-cbc", digest: "SHA1" # # # Using a KeyGenerator instance with a secret and salt(s) # crypt.rotate secret: old_aead_secret, salt: old_aead_salt, cipher: "aes-256-gcm" # crypt.rotate secret: old_cbc_secret, salt: old_cbc_salt, signed_salt: old_cbc_signed_salt, cipher: "aes-256-cbc", digest: "SHA1" # # # Specifying the key generator instance # crypt.rotate key_generator: old_key_gen, salt: old_salt, cipher: "aes-256-gcm" class MessageEncryptor prepend Messages::Rotator::Encryptor class << self attr_accessor :use_authenticated_message_encryption #:nodoc: def default_cipher #:nodoc: if use_authenticated_message_encryption "aes-256-gcm" else "aes-256-cbc" end end end module NullSerializer #:nodoc: def self.load(value) value end def self.dump(value) value end end module NullVerifier #:nodoc: def self.verify(value) value end def self.generate(value) value end end class InvalidMessage < StandardError; end OpenSSLCipherError = OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError # Initialize a new MessageEncryptor. +secret+ must be at least as long as # the cipher key size. For the default 'aes-256-gcm' cipher, this is 256 # bits. If you are using a user-entered secret, you can generate a suitable # key by using ActiveSupport::KeyGenerator or a similar key # derivation function. # # First additional parameter is used as the signature key for +MessageVerifier+. # This allows you to specify keys to encrypt and sign data. # # ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new('secret', 'signature_secret') # # Options: # * :cipher - Cipher to use. Can be any cipher returned by # OpenSSL::Cipher.ciphers. Default is 'aes-256-gcm'. # * :digest - String of digest to use for signing. Default is # +SHA1+. Ignored when using an AEAD cipher like 'aes-256-gcm'. # * :serializer - Object serializer to use. Default is +Marshal+. def initialize(secret, *signature_key_or_options) options = signature_key_or_options.extract_options! sign_secret = signature_key_or_options.first @secret = secret @sign_secret = sign_secret @cipher = options[:cipher] || self.class.default_cipher @digest = options[:digest] || "SHA1" unless aead_mode? @verifier = resolve_verifier @serializer = options[:serializer] || Marshal end # Encrypt and sign a message. We need to sign the message in order to avoid # padding attacks. Reference: https://www.limited-entropy.com/padding-oracle-attacks/. def encrypt_and_sign(value, expires_at: nil, expires_in: nil, purpose: nil) verifier.generate(_encrypt(value, expires_at: expires_at, expires_in: expires_in, purpose: purpose)) end # Decrypt and verify a message. We need to verify the message in order to # avoid padding attacks. Reference: https://www.limited-entropy.com/padding-oracle-attacks/. def decrypt_and_verify(data, purpose: nil, **) _decrypt(verifier.verify(data), purpose) end # Given a cipher, returns the key length of the cipher to help generate the key of desired size def self.key_len(cipher = default_cipher) OpenSSL::Cipher.new(cipher).key_len end private def _encrypt(value, **metadata_options) cipher = new_cipher cipher.encrypt cipher.key = @secret # Rely on OpenSSL for the initialization vector iv = cipher.random_iv cipher.auth_data = "" if aead_mode? encrypted_data = cipher.update(Messages::Metadata.wrap(@serializer.dump(value), metadata_options)) encrypted_data << cipher.final blob = "#{::Base64.strict_encode64 encrypted_data}--#{::Base64.strict_encode64 iv}" blob = "#{blob}--#{::Base64.strict_encode64 cipher.auth_tag}" if aead_mode? blob end def _decrypt(encrypted_message, purpose) cipher = new_cipher encrypted_data, iv, auth_tag = encrypted_message.split("--".freeze).map { |v| ::Base64.strict_decode64(v) } # Currently the OpenSSL bindings do not raise an error if auth_tag is # truncated, which would allow an attacker to easily forge it. See # https://github.com/ruby/openssl/issues/63 raise InvalidMessage if aead_mode? && (auth_tag.nil? || auth_tag.bytes.length != 16) cipher.decrypt cipher.key = @secret cipher.iv = iv if aead_mode? cipher.auth_tag = auth_tag cipher.auth_data = "" end decrypted_data = cipher.update(encrypted_data) decrypted_data << cipher.final message = Messages::Metadata.verify(decrypted_data, purpose) @serializer.load(message) if message rescue OpenSSLCipherError, TypeError, ArgumentError raise InvalidMessage end def new_cipher OpenSSL::Cipher.new(@cipher) end def verifier @verifier end def aead_mode? @aead_mode ||= new_cipher.authenticated? end def resolve_verifier if aead_mode? NullVerifier else MessageVerifier.new(@sign_secret || @secret, digest: @digest, serializer: NullSerializer) end end end end