require "active_support/core_ext/array/wrap" require "active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options" module ActiveSupport # This class is responsible to track files and invoke the given block # whenever one of these files are changed. For example, this class # is used by Rails to reload the I18n framework whenever they are # changed upon a new request. # # i18n_reloader = do # I18n.reload! # end # # ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare do # i18n_reloader.execute_if_updated # end # class FileUpdateChecker attr_reader :paths, :last_update_at # It accepts two parameters on initialization. The first is # the *paths* and the second is *calculate*, a boolean. # # paths must be an array of file paths but can contain a hash as # last argument. The hash must have directories as keys and the # value is an array of extensions to be watched under that directory. # # If *calculate* is true, the latest updated at will calculated # on initialization, therefore, the first call to execute_if_updated # will only evaluate the block if something really changed. # # This method must also receive a block that will be the block called # once a file changes. # # This particular implementation checks for added files and updated files, # but not removed files. Directories lookup are compiled to a glob for # performance. def initialize(paths, calculate=false, &block) @paths = paths @glob = compile_glob(@paths.extract_options!) @block = block @updated_at = nil @last_update_at = calculate ? updated_at : nil end # Check if any of the entries were updated. If so, the updated_at # value is cached until flush! is called. def updated? current_updated_at = updated_at if @last_update_at != current_updated_at @updated_at = updated_at true else false end end # Flush the cache so updated? is calculated again def flush! @updated_at = nil end # Execute the block given if updated. This call # always flush the cache. def execute_if_updated if updated? @last_update_at = updated_at true else false end ensure flush! end private def updated_at #:nodoc: @updated_at || begin all = [] all.concat @paths all.concat Dir[@glob] if @glob { |path| File.mtime(path) }.max end end def compile_glob(hash) #:nodoc: return if hash.empty? globs = [] hash.each do |key, value| globs << "#{key}/**/*#{compile_ext(value)}" end "{#{globs.join(",")}}" end def compile_ext(array) #:nodoc: array = Array.wrap(array) return if array.empty? ".{#{array.join(",")}}" end end end