require 'yaml' module ActiveSupport module Deprecation mattr_accessor :debug self.debug = false # Choose the default warn behavior according to RAILS_ENV. # Ignore deprecation warnings in production. DEFAULT_BEHAVIORS = { 'test' => { |message, callstack| $stderr.puts(message) $stderr.puts callstack.join("\n ") if debug }, 'development' => { |message, callstack| RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn message RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug callstack.join("\n ") if debug } } class << self def warn(message = nil, callstack = caller), message), callstack) if behavior && !silenced? end def default_behavior if defined?(RAILS_ENV) DEFAULT_BEHAVIORS[RAILS_ENV.to_s] else DEFAULT_BEHAVIORS['test'] end end # Have deprecations been silenced? def silenced? @silenced = false unless defined?(@silenced) @silenced end # Silence deprecations for the duration of the provided block. For internal # use only. def silence old_silenced, @silenced = @silenced, true # We could have done behavior = nil... yield ensure @silenced = old_silenced end attr_writer :silenced private def deprecation_message(callstack, message = nil) file, line, method = extract_callstack(callstack) message ||= "You are using deprecated behavior which will be removed from Rails 2.0." "DEPRECATION WARNING: #{message} See for details. (called from #{method} at #{file}:#{line})" end def extract_callstack(callstack) callstack.first.match(/^(.+?):(\d+)(?::in `(.*?)')?/).captures end end # Behavior is a block that takes a message argument. mattr_accessor :behavior self.behavior = default_behavior # Warnings are not silenced by default. self.silenced = false module ClassMethods # Declare that a method has been deprecated. def deprecate(*method_names) method_names.each do |method_name| alias_method_chain(method_name, :deprecation) do |target, punctuation| class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{target}_with_deprecation#{punctuation}(*args, &block) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("#{method_name} is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 2.0", caller) #{target}_without_deprecation#{punctuation}(*args, &block) end EOS end end end end module Assertions def assert_deprecated(match = nil, &block) result, warnings = collect_deprecations(&block) assert !warnings.empty?, "Expected a deprecation warning within the block but received none" if match match = unless match.is_a?(Regexp) assert warnings.any? { |w| w =~ match }, "No deprecation warning matched #{match}: #{warnings.join(', ')}" end result end def assert_not_deprecated(&block) result, deprecations = collect_deprecations(&block) assert deprecations.empty?, "Expected no deprecation warning within the block but received #{deprecations.size}: \n #{deprecations * "\n "}" result end private def collect_deprecations old_behavior = ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior deprecations = [] ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = do |message, callstack| deprecations << message end result = yield [result, deprecations] ensure ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = old_behavior end end # Stand-in for @request, @attributes, etc. class DeprecatedInstanceVariableProxy instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless m =~ /^__/ } def initialize(instance, method, var = "@#{method}") @instance, @method, @var = instance, method, var end private def warn(callstack, called, args) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("#{@var} is deprecated! Call #{@method}.#{called} instead of #{@var}.#{called}. Args: #{args.inspect}", callstack) end def method_missing(called, *args, &block) warn caller, called, args @instance.__send__(@method).__send__(called, *args, &block) end end end end class Module include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::ClassMethods end module Test module Unit class TestCase include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Assertions end end end