require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/module_attribute_accessors' module Dependencies extend self @@loaded = [ ] mattr_accessor :loaded @@mechanism = :load mattr_accessor :mechanism def load? mechanism == :load end def depend_on(file_name, swallow_load_errors = false) if !loaded.include?(file_name) loaded << file_name begin require_or_load(file_name) rescue LoadError raise unless swallow_load_errors rescue Object => e raise ScriptError, "#{e.message}" end end end def associate_with(file_name) depend_on(file_name, true) end def clear self.loaded = [ ] end def require_or_load(file_name) load? ? load("#{file_name}.rb") : require(file_name) end def remove_subclasses_for(*classes) classes.each { |klass| klass.remove_subclasses } end # LoadingModules implement namespace-safe dynamic loading. # They support automatic loading via const_missing, allowing contained items to be automatically # loaded when required. No extra syntax is required, as expressions such as Controller::Admin::UserController # load the relavent files automatically. # # Ruby-style modules are supported, as a folder named 'submodule' will load 'submodule.rb' when available. class LoadingModule < Module attr_reader :path def initialize(filesystem_root, path=[]) @path = path @filesystem_root = filesystem_root end # The path to this module in the filesystem. # Any subpath provided is taken to be composed of filesystem names. def filesystem_path(subpath=[]) File.join(@filesystem_root, self.path, subpath) end # Load missing constants if possible. def const_missing(name) return const_get(name) if const_defined?(name) == false && const_load!(name) super(name) end # Load the controller class or a parent module. def const_load!(name) name = name.to_s if name.kind_of? Symbol if filesystem_path(name.underscore) # Is it a submodule? If so, create a new LoadingModule *before* loading it. # This ensures that subitems will be loadable new_module =, self.path + [name.underscore]) const_set(name, new_module) Object.const_set(name, new_module) if @path.empty? end source_file = filesystem_path("#{(name == 'ApplicationController' ? 'Application' : name).underscore}.rb") self.load_file(source_file) if File.file?(source_file) self.const_defined?(name.camelize) end # Is this name present or loadable? # This method is used by Routes to find valid controllers. def const_available?(name) name = name.to_s unless name.kind_of? String || File.file?(filesystem_path("#{name.underscore}.rb")) end def clear constants.each do |name| Object.send(:remove_const, name) if Object.const_defined?(name) && @path.empty? self.send(:remove_const, name) end end def load_file(file_path) Controllers.module_eval(, file_path, 1) # Hard coded Controller line here!!! end end end Object.send(:define_method, :require_or_load) { |file_name| Dependencies.require_or_load(file_name) } unless Object.respond_to?(:require_or_load) Object.send(:define_method, :require_dependency) { |file_name| Dependencies.depend_on(file_name) } unless Object.respond_to?(:require_dependency) Object.send(:define_method, :require_association) { |file_name| Dependencies.associate_with(file_name) } unless Object.respond_to?(:require_association) class Object #:nodoc: class << self # Use const_missing to autoload associations so we don't have to # require_association when using single-table inheritance. def const_missing(class_id) if Object.const_defined?(:Controllers) and Object::Controllers.const_available?(class_id) return Object::Controllers.const_get(class_id) end begin require_or_load(class_id.to_s.demodulize.underscore) if Object.const_defined?(class_id) then return Object.const_get(class_id) else raise LoadError end rescue LoadError raise NameError, "uninitialized constant #{class_id}" end end end end