module ActiveSupport #:nodoc: module CoreExtensions #:nodoc: module String #:nodoc: unless '1.9'.respond_to?(:force_encoding) # Define methods for handling unicode data. module Unicode def self.append_features(base) if '1.8.7'.respond_to?(:chars) base.class_eval { remove_method :chars } end super end # +chars+ is a Unicode safe proxy for string methods. It creates and returns an instance of the # ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars class which encapsulates the original string. A Unicode safe version of all # the String methods are defined on this proxy class. Undefined methods are forwarded to String, so all of the # string overrides can also be called through the +chars+ proxy. # # name = 'Claus Müller' # name.reverse # => "rell??M sualC" # name.length # => 13 # # name.chars.reverse.to_s # => "rellüM sualC" # name.chars.length # => 12 # # # All the methods on the chars proxy which normally return a string will return a Chars object. This allows # method chaining on the result of any of these methods. # # name.chars.reverse.length # => 12 # # The Char object tries to be as interchangeable with String objects as possible: sorting and comparing between # String and Char work like expected. The bang! methods change the internal string representation in the Chars # object. Interoperability problems can be resolved easily with a +to_s+ call. # # For more information about the methods defined on the Chars proxy see ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars and # ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers::UTF8Handler. def chars end # Returns true if the string has UTF-8 semantics (a String used for purely byte resources is unlikely to have # them), returns false otherwise. def is_utf8? ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers::UTF8Handler.consumes?(self) end end else module Unicode #:nodoc: def chars self end def is_utf8? case encoding when Encoding::UTF_8 valid_encoding? when Encoding::ASCII_8BIT dup.force_encoding('UTF-8').valid_encoding? else false end end end end end end end