if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' =begin string.rb - Extension for String. Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Masao Mutoh You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same license terms as Ruby. =end # This feature is included in Ruby 1.9 or later but not occur TypeError. # # String#% method which accepts named arguments. Particularly useful if the # string is to be used by a translator because named arguments mean more # than %s/%d style. class String unless instance_methods.find {|m| m.to_s == 'bytesize'} # For older ruby (such as ruby-1.8.5) alias :bytesize :size end alias :_old_format_m :% # :nodoc: PERCENT_MATCH_RE = Regexp.union( /%%/, /%\{(\w+)\}/, /%<(\w+)>(.*?\d*\.?\d*[bBdiouxXeEfgGcps])/ ) # call-seq: # %(arg) # %(hash) # # Format - Uses str as a format specification, and returns the result of applying it to arg. # If the format specification contains more than one substitution, then arg must be # an Array containing the values to be substituted. See Kernel::sprintf for details of the # format string. This is the default behavior of the String class. # * arg: an Array or other class except Hash. # * Returns: formatted String # Example: # "%s, %s" % ["Masao", "Mutoh"] # # Also you can use a Hash as the "named argument". This is recommended way so translators # can understand the meanings of the msgids easily. # * hash: {:key1 => value1, :key2 => value2, ... } # * Returns: formatted String # Example: # For strings. # "%{firstname}, %{familyname}" % {:firstname => "Masao", :familyname => "Mutoh"} # # With field type to specify format such as d(decimal), f(float),... # "%d, %.1f" % {:age => 10, :weight => 43.4} def %(args) if args.kind_of?(Hash) ret = dup ret.gsub!(PERCENT_MATCH_RE) {|match| if match == '%%' '%' elsif $1 key = $1.to_sym args.has_key?(key) ? args[key] : match elsif $2 key = $2.to_sym args.has_key?(key) ? sprintf("%#{$3}", args[key]) : match end } ret else ret = gsub(/%([{<])/, '%%\1') begin ret._old_format_m(args) rescue ArgumentError => e if $DEBUG $stderr.puts " The string:#{ret}" $stderr.puts " args:#{args.inspect}" puts e.backtrace else raise ArgumentError, e.message end end end end end end