module ActiveSupport #:nodoc: module CoreExtensions #:nodoc: module String #:nodoc: if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' # Makes it easier to access parts of a string, such as specific characters and substrings. module Access # Returns the character at the +position+ treating the string as an array (where 0 is the first character). # # Examples: # "hello".at(0) # => "h" # "hello".at(4) # => "o" # "hello".at(10) # => nil def at(position) chars[position, 1].to_s end # Returns the remaining of the string from the +position+ treating the string as an array (where 0 is the first character). # # Examples: # "hello".from(0) # => "hello" # "hello".from(2) # => "llo" # "hello".from(10) # => nil def from(position) chars[position..-1].to_s end # Returns the beginning of the string up to the +position+ treating the string as an array (where 0 is the first character). # # Examples: # "hello".to(0) # => "h" # "hello".to(2) # => "hel" # "hello".to(10) # => "hello" def to(position) chars[0..position].to_s end # Returns the first character of the string or the first +limit+ characters. # # Examples: # "hello".first # => "h" # "hello".first(2) # => "he" # "hello".first(10) # => "hello" def first(limit = 1) chars[0..(limit - 1)].to_s end # Returns the last character of the string or the last +limit+ characters. # # Examples: # "hello".last # => "o" # "hello".last(2) # => "lo" # "hello".last(10) # => "hello" def last(limit = 1) (chars[(-limit)..-1] || self).to_s end end else module Access #:nodoc: def at(position) self[position] end def from(position) self[position..-1] end def to(position) self[0..position] end def first(limit = 1) self[0..(limit - 1)] end def last(limit = 1) from(-limit) || self end end end end end end