class Range # Extends the default Range#include? to support range comparisons. # (1..5).include?(1..5) # => true # (1..5).include?(2..3) # => true # (1..5).include?(2..6) # => false # # The native Range#include? behavior is untouched. # ('a'..'f').include?('c') # => true # (5..9).include?(11) # => false def include_with_range?(value) if value.is_a?(::Range) # 1...10 includes 1..9 but it does not include 1..10. operator = exclude_end? && !value.exclude_end? ? :< : :<= include_without_range?(value.first) && value.last.send(operator, last) else include_without_range?(value) end end # TODO: change to Module#prepend as soon as the fix is backported to MRI 2.2: # alias_method :include_without_range?, :include? alias_method :include?, :include_with_range? end