# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveSupport::RangeWithFormat RANGE_FORMATS = { db: Proc.new { |start, stop| "BETWEEN '#{start.to_s(:db)}' AND '#{stop.to_s(:db)}'" } } # Convert range to a formatted string. See RANGE_FORMATS for predefined formats. # # range = (1..100) # => 1..100 # # range.to_s # => "1..100" # range.to_s(:db) # => "BETWEEN '1' AND '100'" # # == Adding your own range formats to to_s # You can add your own formats to the Range::RANGE_FORMATS hash. # Use the format name as the hash key and a Proc instance. # # # config/initializers/range_formats.rb # Range::RANGE_FORMATS[:short] = ->(start, stop) { "Between #{start.to_s(:db)} and #{stop.to_s(:db)}" } def to_s(format = :default) if formatter = RANGE_FORMATS[format] formatter.call(first, last) else super() end end alias_method :to_default_s, :to_s alias_method :to_formatted_s, :to_s end Range.prepend(ActiveSupport::RangeWithFormat)