class Object # Alias of to_s. def to_param to_s end end class NilClass def to_param self end end class TrueClass def to_param self end end class FalseClass def to_param self end end class Array # Calls to_param on all its elements and joins the result with # slashes. This is used by url_for in Action Pack. def to_param collect { |e| e.to_param }.join '/' end end class Hash # Converts a hash into a string suitable for use as a URL query string. An optional namespace can be # passed to enclose the param names (see example below). # # ==== Examples # { :name => 'David', :nationality => 'Danish' }.to_param # => "name=David&nationality=Danish" # # { :name => 'David', :nationality => 'Danish' }.to_param('user') # => "user[name]=David&user[nationality]=Danish" def to_param(namespace = nil) collect do |key, value| value.to_query(namespace ? "#{namespace}[#{key}]" : key) end * '&' end end