class Object def remove_subclasses_of(*superclasses) #:nodoc: Class.remove_class(*subclasses_of(*superclasses)) end begin ObjectSpace.each_object( {} # Exclude this class unless it's a subclass of our supers and is defined. # We check defined? in case we find a removed class that has yet to be # garbage collected. This also fails for anonymous classes -- please # submit a patch if you have a workaround. def subclasses_of(*superclasses) #:nodoc: subclasses = [] superclasses.each do |sup| ObjectSpace.each_object(class << sup; self; end) do |k| if k != sup && ( || eval("defined?(::#{k}) && ::#{k}.object_id == k.object_id")) subclasses << k end end end subclasses end rescue RuntimeError # JRuby and any implementations which cannot handle the objectspace traversal # above fall back to this implementation def subclasses_of(*superclasses) #:nodoc: subclasses = [] superclasses.each do |sup| ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |k| if superclasses.any? { |superclass| k < superclass } && ( || eval("defined?(::#{k}) && ::#{k}.object_id == k.object_id")) subclasses << k end end subclasses.uniq! end subclasses end end def extended_by #:nodoc: ancestors = class << self; ancestors end { |mod| mod.class == Module } - [ Object, Kernel ] end def extend_with_included_modules_from(object) #:nodoc: object.extended_by.each { |mod| extend mod } end end