class Object # An object is blank if it's false, empty, or a whitespace string. # For example, +false+, '', ' ', +nil+, [], and {} are all blank. # # This simplifies # # !address || address.empty? # # to # # address.blank? # # @return [true, false] def blank? respond_to?(:empty?) ? !!empty? : !self end # An object is present if it's not blank. # # @return [true, false] def present? !blank? end # Returns the receiver if it's present otherwise returns +nil+. # object.presence is equivalent to # # object.present? ? object : nil # # For example, something like # # state = params[:state] if params[:state].present? # country = params[:country] if params[:country].present? # region = state || country || 'US' # # becomes # # region = params[:state].presence || params[:country].presence || 'US' # # @return [Object] def presence self if present? end end class NilClass # +nil+ is blank: # # nil.blank? # => true # # @return [true] def blank? true end end class FalseClass # +false+ is blank: # # false.blank? # => true # # @return [true] def blank? true end end class TrueClass # +true+ is not blank: # # true.blank? # => false # # @return [false] def blank? false end end class Array # An array is blank if it's empty: # # [].blank? # => true # [1,2,3].blank? # => false # # @return [true, false] alias_method :blank?, :empty? end class Hash # A hash is blank if it's empty: # # {}.blank? # => true # { key: 'value' }.blank? # => false # # @return [true, false] alias_method :blank?, :empty? end class String # A string is blank if it's empty or contains whitespaces only: # # ''.blank? # => true # ' '.blank? # => true # "\t\n\r".blank? # => true # ' blah '.blank? # => false # # Unicode whitespace is supported: # # "\u00a0".blank? # => true # # @return [true, false] def blank? # The regexp that matches blank strings is expensive. For the case of empty # strings we can speed up this method (~3.5x) with an empty? call. The # penalty for the rest of strings is marginal. # # Double negation in the second operand is also a performance tweak, it is # faster than the positive \A[[:space:]]*\z. empty? || !(/[[:^space:]]/ === self) end end class Numeric #:nodoc: # No number is blank: # # 1.blank? # => false # 0.blank? # => false # # @return [false] def blank? false end end class Time #:nodoc: # No Time is blank: # # # => false # # @return [false] def blank? false end end