class Module # Declares an attribute reader backed by an internally-named instance variable. def attr_internal_reader(*attrs) attrs.each {|attr_name| attr_internal_define(attr_name, :reader)} end # Declares an attribute writer backed by an internally-named instance variable. def attr_internal_writer(*attrs) attrs.each {|attr_name| attr_internal_define(attr_name, :writer)} end # Declares an attribute reader and writer backed by an internally-named instance # variable. def attr_internal_accessor(*attrs) attr_internal_reader(*attrs) attr_internal_writer(*attrs) end alias_method :attr_internal, :attr_internal_accessor class << self; attr_accessor :attr_internal_naming_format end self.attr_internal_naming_format = '@_%s' private def attr_internal_ivar_name(attr) Module.attr_internal_naming_format % attr end def attr_internal_define(attr_name, type) internal_name = attr_internal_ivar_name(attr_name).sub(/\A@/, '') # class_eval is necessary on 1.9 or else the methods are made private class_eval do # use native attr_* methods as they are faster on some Ruby implementations send("attr_#{type}", internal_name) end attr_name, internal_name = "#{attr_name}=", "#{internal_name}=" if type == :writer alias_method attr_name, internal_name remove_method internal_name end end