require 'date' module ActiveSupport #:nodoc: module CoreExtensions #:nodoc: module Hash #:nodoc: module Conversions XML_TYPE_NAMES = { ::Fixnum => "integer", ::Float => "float", ::Date => "date", ::DateTime => "datetime", ::Time => "datetime", ::TrueClass => "boolean", ::FalseClass => "boolean" } XML_FORMATTING = { "date" => { |date| date.to_s(:db) }, "datetime" => { |time| time.xmlschema } } def to_xml(options = {}) options[:indent] ||= 2 options.reverse_merge!({ :builder => => options[:indent]), :root => "hash" }) options[:builder].instruct! unless options.delete(:skip_instruct) dasherize = !options.has_key?(:dasherize) || options[:dasherize] root = dasherize ? options[:root].to_s.dasherize : options[:root].to_s options[:builder].__send__(root) do each do |key, value| case value when ::Hash value.to_xml(options.merge({ :root => key, :skip_instruct => true })) when ::Array value.to_xml(options.merge({ :root => key, :children => key.to_s.singularize, :skip_instruct => true})) when ::Method, ::Proc # If the Method or Proc takes two arguments, then # pass the suggested child element name. This is # used if the Method or Proc will be operating over # multiple records and needs to create an containing # element that will contain the objects being # serialized. if 1 == value.arity{ :root => key, :skip_instruct => true })) else{ :root => key, :skip_instruct => true }), key.to_s.singularize) end else if value.respond_to?(:to_xml) value.to_xml(options.merge({ :root => key, :skip_instruct => true })) else type_name = XML_TYPE_NAMES[value.class] key = dasherize ? key.to_s.dasherize : key.to_s attributes = options[:skip_types] || value.nil? || type_name.nil? ? { } : { :type => type_name } if value.nil? attributes[:nil] = true end options[:builder].tag!(key, XML_FORMATTING[type_name] ? XML_FORMATTING[type_name].call(value) : value, attributes ) end end end end end end end end end