module ActiveSupport #:nodoc: module CoreExtensions #:nodoc: module DateTime #:nodoc: # Getting datetimes in different convenient string representations and other objects module Conversions def self.included(base) base.class_eval do alias_method :to_datetime_default_s, :to_s alias_method :to_s, :to_formatted_s alias_method :default_inspect, :inspect alias_method :inspect, :readable_inspect # Ruby 1.9 has DateTime#to_time which internally relies on Time. We define our own #to_time which allows # DateTimes outside the range of what can be created with Time. remove_method :to_time if base.instance_methods.include?(:to_time) end end def to_formatted_s(format = :default) if formatter = ::Time::DATE_FORMATS[format] if formatter.respond_to?(:call) else strftime(formatter) end else to_datetime_default_s end end # Overrides the default inspect method with a human readable one, e.g., "Mon, 21 Feb 2005 14:30:00 +0000" def readable_inspect to_s(:rfc822) end # Converts self to a Ruby Date object; time portion is discarded def to_date, month, day) end # Attempts to convert self to a Ruby Time object; returns self if out of range of Ruby Time class # If self has an offset other than 0, self will just be returned unaltered, since there's no clean way to map it to a Time def to_time self.offset == 0 ? ::Time.utc_time(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) : self end # To be able to keep Times, Dates and DateTimes interchangeable on conversions def to_datetime self end def xmlschema strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z") end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' end end end end