require 'rational' module ActiveSupport #:nodoc: module CoreExtensions #:nodoc: module DateTime #:nodoc: # Enables the use of time calculations within DateTime itself module Calculations # Seconds since midnight: def seconds_since_midnight self.sec + (self.min * 60) + (self.hour * 3600) end # Returns a new DateTime where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the +options+ parameter. The time options # (hour, minute, sec) reset cascadingly, so if only the hour is passed, then minute and sec is set to 0. If the hour and # minute is passed, then sec is set to 0. def change(options) ::DateTime.civil( options[:year] || self.year, options[:month] || self.month, options[:mday] || self.mday, options[:hour] || self.hour, options[:min] || (options[:hour] ? 0 : self.min), options[:sec] || ((options[:hour] || options[:min]) ? 0 : self.sec), options[:offset] || self.offset, options[:start] || self.start ) end # Uses Date to provide precise Time calculations for years, months, and days. The +options+ parameter takes a hash with # any of these keys: :months, :days, :years. def advance(options) d = + (options.delete(:years) || 0), month, day) d = d >> options.delete(:months) if options[:months] d = d + options.delete(:days) if options[:days] change(options.merge(:year => d.year, :month => d.month, :mday => end # Returns a new DateTime representing the time a number of seconds ago # Do not use this method in combination with x.months, use months_ago instead! def ago(seconds) self.since(-seconds) end # Returns a new DateTime representing the time a number of seconds since the instance time # Do not use this method in combination with x.months, use months_since instead! def since(seconds) self + Rational(seconds, 86400) end alias :in :since # Returns a new DateTime representing the time a number of specified months ago def months_ago(months) months_since(-months) end def months_since(months) year, month, mday = self.year, self.month, self.mday month += months # in case months is negative while month < 1 month += 12 year -= 1 end # in case months is positive while month > 12 month -= 12 year += 1 end max = ::Time.days_in_month(month, year) mday = max if mday > max change(:year => year, :month => month, :mday => mday) end # Returns a new DateTime representing the time a number of specified years ago def years_ago(years) change(:year => self.year - years) end def years_since(years) change(:year => self.year + years) end # Short-hand for years_ago(1) def last_year years_ago(1) end # Short-hand for years_since(1) def next_year years_since(1) end # Short-hand for months_ago(1) def last_month months_ago(1) end # Short-hand for months_since(1) def next_month months_since(1) end # Returns a new DateTime representing the "start" of this week (Monday, 0:00) def beginning_of_week days_to_monday = self.wday!=0 ? self.wday-1 : 6 (self - days_to_monday).midnight end alias :monday :beginning_of_week alias :at_beginning_of_week :beginning_of_week # Returns a new DateTime representing the start of the given day in next week (default is Monday). def next_week(day = :monday) days_into_week = { :monday => 0, :tuesday => 1, :wednesday => 2, :thursday => 3, :friday => 4, :saturday => 5, :sunday => 6} ((self + 7).beginning_of_week + days_into_week[day]).change(:hour => 0) end # Returns a new DateTime representing the start of the day (0:00) def beginning_of_day change(:hour => 0) end alias :midnight :beginning_of_day alias :at_midnight :beginning_of_day alias :at_beginning_of_day :beginning_of_day # Returns a new DateTime representing the end of the day (23:59:59) def end_of_day change(:hour => 23, :min => 59, :sec => 59) end # Returns a new DateTime representing the start of the month (1st of the month, 0:00) def beginning_of_month change(:mday => 1,:hour => 0, :min => 0, :sec => 0) end alias :at_beginning_of_month :beginning_of_month # Returns a new DateTime representing the end of the month (last day of the month, 0:00) def end_of_month last_day = ::Time.days_in_month( self.month, self.year ) change(:mday => last_day,:hour => 0, :min => 0, :sec => 0) end alias :at_end_of_month :end_of_month # Returns a new DateTime representing the start of the quarter (1st of january, april, july, october, 0:00) def beginning_of_quarter beginning_of_month.change(:month => [10, 7, 4, 1].detect { |m| m <= self.month }) end alias :at_beginning_of_quarter :beginning_of_quarter # Returns a new DateTime representing the start of the year (1st of january, 0:00) def beginning_of_year change(:month => 1,:mday => 1,:hour => 0, :min => 0, :sec => 0) end alias :at_beginning_of_year :beginning_of_year # Convenience method which returns a new DateTime representing the time 1 day ago def yesterday self - 1 end # Convenience method which returns a new DateTime representing the time 1 day since the instance time def tomorrow self + 1 end end end end end