module ActiveSupport #:nodoc: module CoreExtensions #:nodoc: module Date #:nodoc: module Behavior # Enable more predictable duck-typing on Date-like classes. See # Object#acts_like?. def acts_like_date? true end # Date memoizes some instance methods using metaprogramming to wrap # the methods with one that caches the result in an instance variable. # If a Date is frozen but the memoized method hasn't been called, the # first call will result in a frozen object error since the memo # instance variable is uninitialized. Work around by eagerly memoizing # before freezing. def freeze #:nodoc: self.class.private_instance_methods(false).each do |m| if m.to_s =~ /\A__\d+__\Z/ instance_variable_set(:"@#{m}", [send(m)]) end end super end end end end end