class Array # Returns the tail of the array from +position+. # # %w( a b c d ).from(0) # => ["a", "b", "c", "d"] # %w( a b c d ).from(2) # => ["c", "d"] # %w( a b c d ).from(10) # => [] # %w().from(0) # => [] # %w( a b c d ).from(-2) # => ["c", "d"] # %w( a b c ).from(-10) # => [] def from(position) self[position, length] || [] end # Returns the beginning of the array up to +position+. # # %w( a b c d ).to(0) # => ["a"] # %w( a b c d ).to(2) # => ["a", "b", "c"] # %w( a b c d ).to(10) # => ["a", "b", "c", "d"] # %w().to(0) # => [] # %w( a b c d ).to(-2) # => ["a", "b", "c"] # %w( a b c ).to(-10) # => [] def to(position) if position >= 0 take position + 1 else self[0..position] end end # Returns a copy of the Array without the specified elements. # # people = ["David", "Rafael", "Aaron", "Todd"] # people.without "Aaron", "Todd" # => ["David", "Rafael"] # # Note: This is an optimization of `Enumerable#without` that uses `Array#-` # instead of `Array#reject` for performance reasons. def without(*elements) self - elements end # Equal to self[1]. # # %w( a b c d e ).second # => "b" def second self[1] end # Equal to self[2]. # # %w( a b c d e ).third # => "c" def third self[2] end # Equal to self[3]. # # %w( a b c d e ).fourth # => "d" def fourth self[3] end # Equal to self[4]. # # %w( a b c d e ).fifth # => "e" def fifth self[4] end # Equal to self[41]. Also known as accessing "the reddit". # # (1..42).to_a.forty_two # => 42 def forty_two self[41] end # Equal to self[-3]. # # %w( a b c d e ).third_to_last # => "c" def third_to_last self[-3] end # Equal to self[-2]. # # %w( a b c d e ).second_to_last # => "d" def second_to_last self[-2] end end