module ActiveSupport module Callbacks class Callback def, object, options = {}, &terminator) enumerator = options[:enumerator] || :each unless block_given? callbacks.send(enumerator) { |callback| } else callbacks.send(enumerator) do |callback| result = break result if, object) end end end attr_reader :kind, :method, :identifier, :options def initialize(kind, method, options = {}) @kind = kind @method = method @identifier = options[:identifier] @options = options end def call(object) evaluate_method(method, object) if should_run_callback?(object) end private def evaluate_method(method, object) case method when Symbol object.send(method) when String eval(method, object.instance_eval { binding }) when Proc, Method else if method.respond_to?(kind) method.send(kind, object) else raise ArgumentError, "Callbacks must be a symbol denoting the method to call, a string to be evaluated, " + "a block to be invoked, or an object responding to the callback method." end end end def should_run_callback?(object) if options[:if] evaluate_method(options[:if], object) elsif options[:unless] !evaluate_method(options[:unless], object) else true end end end def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def define_callbacks(*callbacks) callbacks.each do |callback| class_eval <<-"end_eval" def self.#{callback}(*methods, &block) options = methods.extract_options! methods << block if block_given? callbacks = { |method|{callback}, method, options) } (@#{callback}_callbacks ||= []).concat callbacks end def self.#{callback}_callback_chain @#{callback}_callbacks ||= [] if superclass.respond_to?(:#{callback}_callback_chain) superclass.#{callback}_callback_chain + @#{callback}_callbacks else @#{callback}_callbacks end end end_eval end end end def run_callbacks(kind, options = {}, &block)"#{kind}_callback_chain"), self, options, &block) end end end