require 'active_support/core_ext/marshal' require 'active_support/core_ext/file/atomic' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/conversions' require 'uri/common' module ActiveSupport module Cache # A cache store implementation which stores everything on the filesystem. # # FileStore implements the Strategy::LocalCache strategy which implements # an in-memory cache inside of a block. class FileStore < Store prepend Strategy::LocalCache attr_reader :cache_path DIR_FORMATTER = "%03X" FILENAME_MAX_SIZE = 228 # max filename size on file system is 255, minus room for timestamp and random characters appended by Tempfile (used by atomic write) FILEPATH_MAX_SIZE = 900 # max is 1024, plus some room EXCLUDED_DIRS = ['.', '..'].freeze def initialize(cache_path, options = nil) super(options) @cache_path = cache_path.to_s end # Deletes all items from the cache. In this case it deletes all the entries in the specified # file store directory except for .gitkeep. Be careful which directory is specified in your # config file when using +FileStore+ because everything in that directory will be deleted. def clear(options = nil) root_dirs = Dir.entries(cache_path).reject {|f| (EXCLUDED_DIRS + [".gitkeep"]).include?(f)} FileUtils.rm_r(root_dirs.collect{|f| File.join(cache_path, f)}) rescue Errno::ENOENT end # Preemptively iterates through all stored keys and removes the ones which have expired. def cleanup(options = nil) options = merged_options(options) search_dir(cache_path) do |fname| key = file_path_key(fname) entry = read_entry(key, options) delete_entry(key, options) if entry && entry.expired? end end # Increments an already existing integer value that is stored in the cache. # If the key is not found nothing is done. def increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil) modify_value(name, amount, options) end # Decrements an already existing integer value that is stored in the cache. # If the key is not found nothing is done. def decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil) modify_value(name, -amount, options) end def delete_matched(matcher, options = nil) options = merged_options(options) instrument(:delete_matched, matcher.inspect) do matcher = key_matcher(matcher, options) search_dir(cache_path) do |path| key = file_path_key(path) delete_entry(normalize_key(key, options), options) if key.match(matcher) end end end protected def read_entry(key, options) if File.exist?(key) { |f| Marshal.load(f) } end rescue => e logger.error("FileStoreError (#{e}): #{e.message}") if logger nil end def write_entry(key, entry, options) return false if options[:unless_exist] && File.exist?(key) ensure_cache_path(File.dirname(key)) File.atomic_write(key, cache_path) {|f| Marshal.dump(entry, f)} true end def delete_entry(key, options) if File.exist?(key) begin File.delete(key) delete_empty_directories(File.dirname(key)) true rescue => e # Just in case the error was caused by another process deleting the file first. raise e if File.exist?(key) false end end end private # Lock a file for a block so only one process can modify it at a time. def lock_file(file_name, &block) # :nodoc: if File.exist?(file_name), 'r+') do |f| begin f.flock File::LOCK_EX yield ensure f.flock File::LOCK_UN end end else yield end end # Translate a key into a file path. def normalize_key(key, options) key = super fname = URI.encode_www_form_component(key) if fname.size > FILEPATH_MAX_SIZE fname = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(key) end hash = Zlib.adler32(fname) hash, dir_1 = hash.divmod(0x1000) dir_2 = hash.modulo(0x1000) fname_paths = [] # Make sure file name doesn't exceed file system limits. begin fname_paths << fname[0, FILENAME_MAX_SIZE] fname = fname[FILENAME_MAX_SIZE..-1] end until fname.blank? File.join(cache_path, DIR_FORMATTER % dir_1, DIR_FORMATTER % dir_2, *fname_paths) end # Translate a file path into a key. def file_path_key(path) fname = path[cache_path.to_s.size..-1].split(File::SEPARATOR, 4).last URI.decode_www_form_component(fname, Encoding::UTF_8) end # Delete empty directories in the cache. def delete_empty_directories(dir) return if File.realpath(dir) == File.realpath(cache_path) if Dir.entries(dir).reject {|f| EXCLUDED_DIRS.include?(f)}.empty? Dir.delete(dir) rescue nil delete_empty_directories(File.dirname(dir)) end end # Make sure a file path's directories exist. def ensure_cache_path(path) FileUtils.makedirs(path) unless File.exist?(path) end def search_dir(dir, &callback) return if !File.exist?(dir) Dir.foreach(dir) do |d| next if EXCLUDED_DIRS.include?(d) name = File.join(dir, d) if search_dir(name, &callback) else name end end end # Modifies the amount of an already existing integer value that is stored in the cache. # If the key is not found nothing is done. def modify_value(name, amount, options) file_name = normalize_key(name, options) lock_file(file_name) do options = merged_options(options) if num = read(name, options) num = num.to_i + amount write(name, num, options) num end end end end end end