* Fix `ActiveSupport::TimeZone#strptime`. Support for timestamps in format of seconds (%s) and milliseconds (%Q). Fixes #26840. *Lev Denisov* * Fix `DateAndTime::Calculations#copy_time_to`. Copy `nsec` instead of `usec`. Jumping forward or backward between weeks now preserves nanosecond digits. *Josua Schmid* * Fix `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#in` across DST boundaries. Previously calls to `in` were being sent to the non-DST aware method `Time#since` via `method_missing`. It is now aliased to the DST aware `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#+` which handles transitions across DST boundaries, e.g: Time.zone = "US/Eastern" t = Time.zone.local(2016,11,6,1) # => Sun, 06 Nov 2016 01:00:00 EDT -05:00 t.in(1.hour) # => Sun, 06 Nov 2016 01:00:00 EST -05:00 Fixes #26580. *Thomas Balthazar* * Remove unused parameter `options = nil` for `#clear` of `ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::LocalStore` and `ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache`. *Yosuke Kabuto* * Fix `thread_mattr_accessor` subclass no longer overwrites parent. Assigning a value to a subclass using `thread_mattr_accessor` no longer changes the value of the parent class. This brings the behavior inline with the documentation. Given: class Account thread_mattr_accessor :user end class Customer < Account end Account.user = "DHH" Customer.user = "Rafael" Before: Account.user # => "Rafael" After: Account.user # => "DHH" *Shinichi Maeshima* * Since weeks are no longer converted to days, add `:weeks` to the list of parts that `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone` will recognize as possibly being of variable duration to take account of DST transitions. Fixes #26039. *Andrew White* * Defines `Regexp.match?` for Ruby versions prior to 2.4. The predicate has the same interface, but it does not have the performance boost. Its purpose is to be able to write 2.4 compatible code. *Xavier Noria* * Allow `MessageEncryptor` to take advantage of authenticated encryption modes. AEAD modes like `aes-256-gcm` provide both confidentiality and data authenticity, eliminating the need to use `MessageVerifier` to check if the encrypted data has been tampered with. This speeds up encryption/decryption and results in shorter cipher text. *Bart de Water* * Introduce `assert_changes` and `assert_no_changes`. `assert_changes` is a more general `assert_difference` that works with any value. assert_changes 'Error.current', from: nil, to: 'ERR' do expected_bad_operation end Can be called with strings, to be evaluated in the binding (context) of the block given to the assertion, or a lambda. assert_changes -> { Error.current }, from: nil, to: 'ERR' do expected_bad_operation end The `from` and `to` arguments are compared with the case operator (`===`). assert_changes 'Error.current', from: nil, to: Error do expected_bad_operation end This is pretty useful, if you need to loosely compare a value. For example, you need to test a token has been generated and it has that many random characters. user = User.start_registration assert_changes 'user.token', to: /\w{32}/ do user.finish_registration end *Genadi Samokovarov* * Add `:fallback_string` option to `Array#to_sentence`. If an empty array calls the function and a fallback string option is set then it returns the fallback string other than an empty string. *Mohamed Osama* * Fix `ActiveSupport::TimeZone#strptime`. Now raises `ArgumentError` when the given time doesn't match the format. The error is the same as the one given by Ruby's `Date.strptime`. Previously it raised `NoMethodError: undefined method empty? for nil:NilClass.` due to a bug. Fixes #25701. *John Gesimondo* * `travel/travel_to` travel time helpers, now raise on nested calls, as this can lead to confusing time stubbing. Instead of: travel_to 2.days.from_now do # 2 days from today travel_to 3.days.from_now do # 5 days from today end end preferred way to achieve above is: travel 2.days do # 2 days from today end travel 5.days do # 5 days from today end *Vipul A M* * Support parsing JSON time in ISO8601 local time strings in `ActiveSupport::JSON.decode` when `parse_json_times` is enabled. Strings in the format of `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss` (without a `Z` at the end) will be parsed in the local timezone (`Time.zone`). In addition, date strings (`YYYY-MM-DD`) are now parsed into `Date` objects. *Grzegorz Witek* * Fixed `ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast` so that calls to `#silence` now properly delegate to all loggers. Silencing now properly suppresses logging to both the log and the console. *Kevin McPhillips* * Remove deprecated arguments in `assert_nothing_raised`. *Rafel Mendonça França* * `Date.to_s` doesn't produce too many spaces. For example, `to_s(:short)` will now produce `01 Feb` instead of ` 1 Feb`. Fixes #25251. *Sean Griffin* * Introduce `Module#delegate_missing_to`. When building a decorator, a common pattern emerges: class Partition def initialize(first_event) @events = [ first_event ] end def people if @events.first.detail.people.any? @events.collect { |e| Array(e.detail.people) }.flatten.uniq else @events.collect(&:creator).uniq end end private def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false) @events.respond_to?(name, include_private) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @events.send(method, *args, &block) end end With `Module#delegate_missing_to`, the above is condensed to: class Partition delegate_missing_to :@events def initialize(first_event) @events = [ first_event ] end def people if @events.first.detail.people.any? @events.collect { |e| Array(e.detail.people) }.flatten.uniq else @events.collect(&:creator).uniq end end end *Genadi Samokovarov*, *DHH* * Rescuable: If a handler doesn't match the exception, check for handlers matching the exception's cause. *Jeremy Daer* Please check [5-0-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/5-0-stable/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.