## Rails 4.0.0 (unreleased) ## * Add ActiveSupport::Logger#silence that works the same as the old Logger#silence extension. *DHH* * Remove surrogate unicode character encoding from `ActiveSupport::JSON.encode` The encoding scheme was broken for unicode characters outside the basic multilingual plane; since json is assumed to be `UTF-8`, and we already force the encoding to `UTF-8`, simply pass through the un-encoded characters. *Brett Carter* * Deprecate `Time.time_with_date_fallback`, `Time.utc_time` and `Time.local_time`. These methods were added to handle the limited range of Ruby's native Time implementation. Those limitations no longer apply so we are deprecating them in 4.0 and they will be removed in 4.1. *Andrew White* * Deprecate `Date#to_time_in_current_zone` and add `Date#in_time_zone`. *Andrew White* * Add `String#in_time_zone` method to convert a string to an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone. *Andrew White* * Deprecate `ActiveSupport::BasicObject` in favor of `ActiveSupport::ProxyObject`. This class is used for proxy classes. It avoids confusion with Ruby's BasicObject class. *Francesco Rodriguez* * Patched Marshal#load to work with constant autoloading. Fixes autoloading with cache stores that relay on Marshal(MemCacheStore and FileStore). [fixes #8167] *Uriel Katz* * Make `Time.zone.parse` to work with JavaScript format date strings. *Andrew White* * Add `DateTime#seconds_until_end_of_day` and `Time#seconds_until_end_of_day` as a complement for `seconds_from_midnight`; useful when setting expiration times for caches, e.g.: <% cache('dashboard', expires_in: Date.current.seconds_until_end_of_day) do %> ... *Olek Janiszewski* * No longer proxy ActiveSupport::Multibyte#class. *Steve Klabnik* * Deprecate `ActiveSupport::TestCase#pending` method, use `skip` from MiniTest instead. *Carlos Antonio da Silva* * `XmlMini.with_backend` now may be safely used with threads: Thread.new do XmlMini.with_backend("REXML") { rexml_power } end Thread.new do XmlMini.with_backend("LibXML") { libxml_power } end Each thread will use it's own backend. *Nikita Afanasenko* * Dependencies no longer trigger Kernel#autoload in remove_constant [fixes #8213]. *Xavier Noria* * Simplify mocha integration and remove monkey-patches, bumping mocha to 0.13.0. *James Mead* * `#as_json` isolates options when encoding a hash. Fix #8182 *Yves Senn* * Deprecate Hash#diff in favor of MiniTest's #diff. *Steve Klabnik* * Kernel#capture can catch output from subprocesses *Dmitry Vorotilin* * `to_xml` conversions now use builder's `tag!` method instead of explicit invocation of `method_missing`. *Nikita Afanasenko* * Fixed timezone mapping of the Solomon Islands. *Steve Klabnik* * Make callstack attribute optional in ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Reporting methods `warn` and `deprecation_warning` *Alexey Gaziev* * Implement HashWithIndifferentAccess#replace so key? works correctly. *David Graham* * Handle the possible Permission Denied errors atomic.rb might trigger due to its chown and chmod calls. *Daniele Sluijters* * Hash#extract! returns only those keys that present in the receiver. {a: 1, b: 2}.extract!(:a, :x) # => {:a => 1} *Mikhail Dieterle* * Hash#extract! returns the same subclass, that the receiver is. I.e. HashWithIndifferentAccess#extract! returns HashWithIndifferentAccess instance. *Mikhail Dieterle* * Optimize ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry to reduce memory and processing overhead. *Brian Durand* * Tests tag the Rails log with the current test class and test case: [SessionsControllerTest] [test_0002_sign in] Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML [SessionsControllerTest] [test_0002_sign in] ... *Jeremy Kemper* * Add `logger.push_tags` and `.pop_tags` to complement logger.tagged: class Job def before Rails.logger.push_tags :jobs, self.class.name end def after Rails.logger.pop_tags 2 end end *Jeremy Kemper* * Allow delegation to the class using the `:class` keyword, replacing `self.class` usage: class User def self.hello "world" end delegate :hello, to: :class end *Marc-Andre Lafortune* * `Date.beginning_of_week` thread local and `beginning_of_week` application config option added (default is Monday). *Innokenty Mikhailov* * An optional block can be passed to `config_accessor` to set its default value class User include ActiveSupport::Configurable config_accessor :hair_colors do [:brown, :black, :blonde, :red] end end User.hair_colors # => [:brown, :black, :blonde, :red] *Larry Lv* * ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable#silence has been deprecated due to its lack of thread safety. It will be removed without replacement in Rails 4.1. *Steve Klabnik* * An optional block can be passed to `Hash#deep_merge`. The block will be invoked for each duplicated key and used to resolve the conflict. *Pranas Kiziela* * ActiveSupport::Deprecation is now a class. It is possible to create an instance of deprecator. Backwards compatibility has been preserved. You can choose which instance of the deprecator will be used. deprecate :method_name, deprecator: deprecator_instance You can use ActiveSupport::Deprecation in your gem. require 'active_support/deprecation' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/deprecation' class MyGem def self.deprecator ActiveSupport::Deprecation.new('2.0', 'MyGem') end def old_method end def new_method end deprecate old_method: :new_method, deprecator: deprecator end MyGem.new.old_method # => DEPRECATION WARNING: old_method is deprecated and will be removed from MyGem 2.0 (use new_method instead). (called from
at file.rb:18) *Piotr Niełacny & Robert Pankowecki* * `ERB::Util.html_escape` encodes single quote as `#39`. Decimal form has better support in old browsers. *Kalys Osmonov* * `ActiveSupport::Callbacks`: deprecate monkey patch of object callbacks. Using the #filter method like this: before_filter MyFilter.new class MyFilter def filter(controller) end end Is now deprecated with recommendation to use the corresponding filter type (`#before`, `#after` or `#around`): before_filter MyFilter.new class MyFilter def before(controller) end end *Bogdan Gusiev* * An optional block can be passed to `HashWithIndifferentAccess#update` and `#merge`. The block will be invoked for each duplicated key, and used to resolve the conflict, thus replicating the behaviour of the corresponding methods on the `Hash` class. *Leo Cassarani* * Remove `j` alias for `ERB::Util#json_escape`. The `j` alias is already used for `ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript` and both modules are included in the view context that would confuse the developers. *Akira Matsuda* * Replace deprecated `memcache-client` gem with `dalli` in ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore *Guillermo Iguaran* * Add default values to all `ActiveSupport::NumberHelper` methods, to avoid errors with empty locales or missing values. *Carlos Antonio da Silva* * `ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable` is deprecated. Define your own `#as_json` and `#encode_json` methods for custom JSON string literals. *Erich Menge* * Add String#indent. *fxn & Ace Suares* * Inflections can now be defined per locale. `singularize` and `pluralize` accept locale as an extra argument. *David Celis* * `Object#try` will now return nil instead of raise a NoMethodError if the receiving object does not implement the method, but you can still get the old behavior by using the new `Object#try!`. *DHH* * `ERB::Util.html_escape` now escapes single quotes. *Santiago Pastorino* * `Time#change` now works with time values with offsets other than UTC or the local time zone. *Andrew White* * `ActiveSupport::Callbacks`: deprecate usage of filter object with `#before` and `#after` methods as `around` callback. *Bogdan Gusiev* * Add `Time#prev_quarter` and `Time#next_quarter` short-hands for `months_ago(3)` and `months_since(3)`. *SungHee Kang* * Remove obsolete and unused `require_association` method from dependencies. *fxn* * Add `:instance_accessor` option for `config_accessor`. class User include ActiveSupport::Configurable config_accessor :allowed_access, instance_accessor: false end User.new.allowed_access = true # => NoMethodError User.new.allowed_access # => NoMethodError *Francesco Rodriguez* * ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper methods have been moved to ActiveSupport::NumberHelper and are now available via Numeric#to_s. Numeric#to_s now accepts the formatting options :phone, :currency, :percentage, :delimited, :rounded, :human, and :human_size. *Andrew Mutz* * Add `Hash#transform_keys`, `Hash#transform_keys!`, `Hash#deep_transform_keys`, and `Hash#deep_transform_keys!`. *Mark McSpadden* * Changed xml type `datetime` to `dateTime` (with upper case letter `T`). *Angelo Capilleri* * Add `:instance_accessor` option for `class_attribute`. *Alexey Vakhov* * `constantize` now looks in the ancestor chain. *Marc-Andre Lafortune & Andrew White* * Adds `Hash#deep_stringify_keys` and `Hash#deep_stringify_keys!` to convert all keys from a +Hash+ instance into strings *Lucas Húngaro* * Adds `Hash#deep_symbolize_keys` and `Hash#deep_symbolize_keys!` to convert all keys from a +Hash+ instance into symbols *Lucas Húngaro* * `Object#try` can't call private methods. *Vasiliy Ermolovich* * `AS::Callbacks#run_callbacks` remove `key` argument. *Francesco Rodriguez* * `deep_dup` works more expectedly now and duplicates also values in +Hash+ instances and elements in +Array+ instances. *Alexey Gaziev* * Inflector no longer applies ice -> ouse to words like slice, police, ets *Wes Morgan* * Add `ActiveSupport::Deprecations.behavior = :silence` to completely ignore Rails runtime deprecations *twinturbo* * Make Module#delegate stop using `send` - can no longer delegate to private methods. *dasch* * AS::Callbacks: deprecate `:rescuable` option. *Bogdan Gusiev* * Adds Integer#ordinal to get the ordinal suffix string of an integer. *Tim Gildea* * AS::Callbacks: `:per_key` option is no longer supported * `AS::Callbacks#define_callbacks`: add `:skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated` option. * Add html_escape_once to ERB::Util, and delegate escape_once tag helper to it. *Carlos Antonio da Silva* * Deprecates the compatibility method Module#local_constant_names, use Module#local_constants instead (which returns symbols). *fxn* * Deletes the compatibility method Module#method_names, use Module#methods from now on (which returns symbols). *fxn* * Deletes the compatibility method Module#instance_method_names, use Module#instance_methods from now on (which returns symbols). *fxn* * BufferedLogger is deprecated. Use ActiveSupport::Logger, or the logger from Ruby stdlib. * Unicode database updated to 6.1.0. * Adds `encode_big_decimal_as_string` option to force JSON serialization of BigDecimals as numeric instead of wrapping them in strings for safety. * Remove deprecated ActiveSupport::JSON::Variable. *Erich Menge* * Optimize log subscribers to check log level before doing any processing. *Brian Durand* Please check [3-2-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/3-2-stable/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.